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"Taiko, what happened?" , Haruko asked looking at his cut on the shoulder, blood dripping from his sword.

Ten rushed towards Taiko embracing him and crying,Taiko held him close.

"There was an attacker, I killed him but we should get out from here immediately.", Taiko said looking at his blood stained sword.

"Attacked?By who?", Haruko asked,she started to get stressed.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we must go.", Taiko insisted expressing urgency in his tone.

"There was a screaming. W-who was it?", Kai trembled.

"It was Souta. Ren and Akira went there to see what happened."

"Akira? Where is he now?", Haruko's face turned pale and quivered with concren for her husband.

"I don't know but you need to take children and wait near the horse pen down the street. I will bring them."

"But I will also come with you to see my husband.", Haruko said with fear in her voice.

"I know, Haruko. You are worried about Akira. I promise that I will protect him and bring him to you.But please go now."

Reluctantly, Haruko led the children towards the entrance, her mind consumed with worry for her husband.

"Akira, be safe, be safe.", she said these words in her mind repeatedly. Haruko started to walk towards the entrance with the children.

Taiko turned towards them and looking at Haruko's eyes ,"Be safe."

Haruko nodded and went outside. She couldn't take the image of blood-stained sword out of her mind.

Smell of blood started to spread all over the house.

"Why should this happen to me? I want my happy life which was there few hours ago.", Taiko thought contolling his tears as Ten passed by.

"Don't go anywhere. Stay with Haruko.", Taiko instructed Ten.

Ten hugged his dad again and left the house.

Taiko noticed the black cat ,then he hurried through the hall to the back door.

Ren took out his enemy's spear and threw it with force over the attacker. But attacker swiftly dodged the attack,moving with lightning speed.

Ren then threw his knife but once again, he evaded the attack effortlessly.

At the back door, as enemy charged towards Akira, he closed his eyes and began to concentrate deeply.

"I never thought this day would come.",Akira thought , his eyes snapping open,he swung his sword unleashing a gust of wind and made enemy tumbling back.

A chirping sound arose in the grass. Enemy fearfully glanced at Akira and said," I have heard about you?"

Haruko walked towards the horse pen with the children. As she walked, she heard screaming from the houses, smelled blood in air. It was a complete dark sky, people screaming for their loved ones.

"So they are all around us.", she came to a conclusion in her mind. She could some people being killed outside.

"Walk fast.", she ordered both the children. Both Kai and Ten noticed her uneasy tone.

Even though the children didn't notice, she saw dead bodies lying in corner of the houses.

Haruko started to panic. As they stood in a corner someone pulled her from a path to her right.

"Come with me," a man with black dress around him and his face covered said. He was one of the attackers.

Haruko stared at him, her heart raced like a horse." Are you- Who are you?"

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