Local base

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Kyle returned to the inn, went to his room. Jensen and Madge were still sleeping, him being sort of sleep, he went again to sleep.

After few hours, he woke up, no one were there. He headed to dining area, Jen and Madge were drinking coffee.

"What are you guys doing?" Kyle asked

"Reading books," she looked at him with a stern face."What does it look like?"

"Good morning," Jen said.

"What are you planning to do after that?", Jen asked Madge.

"Climb up the ranks.", she replied.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kyle exclaimed

"She said she's going to join the military."

"Why? Is that your ambition?" Kyle asked.

"No, but I could see my father if I join army."

"How do you say you could see your father?" Kyle asked.

Madge's eyes glistened as she spoke,"My father... he was a history teacher, but more than that, he had deep knowledge in arcanes," she took a deep breath."Defense minister William Edward called him in for meetings for his expertise. "

"William Edward?" Kai remembered the stories he heard about him." Is he- is he the one who succeeded his father at a young age?"

"Well, I don't know about that but I know that he introduced many changes in using them, the arcanes."

"How do people get those, arcanes?" Kyle asked.

"People in army,they'll need to undergo trials in army where they get physically tested and they'll be trained with weapons"

"For what?" Kyle opened his eyes wide,sat in the chair with them.

Kyle's breath caught as she described."Because they'll be sent to their death, a forest, a special one, they call it Astral Glade, the ones selected needs to kill a celestial creature and inherit their power."

Jensen finished his coffee,placed the mug on the table.

"Kill them?" Jen asked.

"Yeah that's how you get those arcanes, those animals could also kill these poor soldiers," she took a sip in her mug. "There'll be all kinds from small to big, from feared to induce fear, more the danger, better the arcane you get"

"This is very problematic. Why do they want people to die to get powers? Can't they train normally?" Kyle questioned.

"They say, they do this because every kingdom do that, to maintain a peaceful society."

"Do you think you can pass through that?" Kyle asked.

"I do and I will."

"Good luck," Jen said.

Kyle shuddered,picturing the grueling trails Madge would face.

Madge stood,glancing at mellow light streaming into the inn.

"I'll work in morning today," she looked at kitchen door, there was Vincent inside."I'm going out to a place in the evening."

"Where are you headed?" Jen asked.

"To meet a person. A base general,a friend of my father"

"Where is he?"

"In the local base office , a twenty minute walk from here."

"Can I come with you?" Jen asked with a small smile on his face.

"Why do you always want to come with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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