Scar 2

7 1 2

Sorrel's P.O.V

The morning rays peeked in through my window. As the sunlight hit my eyes I slowly woke up. I checked the time on my phone and it said 7 a.m. I stretched and got up to take a shower. I quietly made my way to the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes.

I stepped in and turned on the water and cold morning water flowed down my back. 'I wonder if things will be different today...'  I jumped as I heard glass breaking and yelling coming from downstairs. 'God fucking dammit...' I quickly finished showering and went to my bedroom to put on my clothes.

"Sorrel hun! Can you help us? Mom and dad need your expertise on this!" My mom was calling for me so I could fix their argument that they started. 'Expertise my ass! You guys should be doing this yourself!' "Give me a minute mom!" Just as I finished putting on my clothes she banged on the door. "C'mon sweetie! We really need you right now!" I was already at my window when she started forcing her way through. I looked out of the window and back at the door. 'Either get to school early today or suffer another hour with these assholes to keep their marital issues tame enough...' My mom kept yelling for me to help them. I looked back one more time and made my decision. Just as she got the door open I jumped out the window.

I sighed as I made it out of the house with minimal injuries. I looked back again and wondered what would happen while I was gone. 'They'll be fine... Hopefully...' I started on my way to school and I heard people yelling and whispering. Things like 'Get the fuck out of my sight!' and 'Why the hell is she even stepping out of that damn house?' one person even tried to throw rocks at me. I sighed through my nose at the absolute bullshit that was happening. 'The more you ignore it, the faster you get to school.' These people are so fucking annoying...

I finally made it to school after 25 minutes of people yelling, throwing things at me and trying to run me over on the street.

I looked up at the building incarnate of hell and went inside, already feeling tired. I sidestepped someone trying to trip me over without a second glance and trudged forward onto my classroom. The whispering (or what they would like to call whispering with their big ass mouths) could not get any louder. I scrunched my face in annoyance and continued on to my class. "Oh look! It's the school's resident faggot freak!" 'Ugh...' The three rich pussies who call on their dads for everything, Lia, Jessica and Brielle, all preemptively hated me from the moment we all joined this hellscape. "Just because I saw you face fucking Brielle and Jessica in the empty classroom does not give you the right to call me a faggot Lia. You can call me that after your fling with Jessica tonight." Lia's face erupted red in anger and embarrassment from me calling her out. Her posse also turned shades of pink at my words and with that lovely parting message, I headed off to class once again.

After many more "interruptions", I finally made it to my class where water was there to greet me the moment I stepped through the door. Everyone in said class started laughing at the very much so nonexistent joke. "Really funny guys... So funny in fact that I forgot to laugh." 'Assholes...' The resident jock and pain in my ass Jonathan walked up to me, towering over me with his height that made him taller physically, but most likely shorter in other places.

"Aww is the big baby gonna cry 'cuz she couldn't handle a bit of water?" He laughed again in my face. "No Jon-a-than, the only person crying is the one right in front of me with his 3-inch dick." I smirked as he got angry. "WHY YOU-" "So you're not denying it then? Wow... You must have all the ladies with that huh?" I taunted him again, making him grab my shirt. I put my hands up in fake surrender. "Woah there bud, 3 inches is pretty big for you, so don't go coming after me-" The bell rang and it was time for class. He glared at the bell before turning to me and letting me go. "Tch, you're not worth my time anyway." He stomped back to his seat and I went to mine before the teacher came in. "Good morning class." Mr. Sean came in with Algebra papers and I'm reminded of the test we had last week. "Goddammit..." I muttered under my breath. Today was gonna be a long day...

After 7 hours of grueling hell and more people trying to fuck up my day, I was able to leave school. I rushed out of my class as soon as I could so I could avoid any more attempts of getting me pissed. I made it out of the school in one piece and not pieces and made my way home. I Went through the same shit as this morning, yelling, people trying to run me over, throwing stuff at me, y'know, the usual. However I got today's special treatment! Almost getting robbed and assaulted! Yay!!! I walked through the unsavory but familiar neighborhood and entered what was supposed to be a house but instead is now just an arguing chamber. I looked between my arguing parents for what I can only assume is the nth time before trying to slip away to my bedroom, not before they caught me though. ""SORREL!"" I flinched at the volume coming from their argument pipes. I sighed and turned around and headed straight to the couch and motioned for them to continue with their arguing until I could decide who was the "victor".

Two. Fucking. Hours. That is how long I had to sit and listen to them argue with their windpipes for. 'Finally... Jesus fucking Christ.' I ultimately decided that dad was the "winner" and mom was the "loser". The only real winners were the people who could go to sleep in peace. I flopped onto my bed, not bothering to get up and shower. 'The day has been so long and I just want to go to sleep.' And so that is what I did, not caring if another argument had just started, or if my parents were calling me to "help" them.

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

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