Scar 11

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"Text like this until after the story part ends indicates someone on the other end of a phone call"

"Text that looks like this indicates a past conversation over the phone being remembered"

Sorrel's P.O.V

I didn't know how long I was staring at the ground for, but it was long enough that mom came home. She was laughing and sounded in high spirits. I slightly wondered why for a moment, but I had my answer when I heard a male voice responding to one of her questions. 'She's already moved on huh?' I thought to myself, 'Not even a month out of divorce and she's already with some other guy.' I got up from the floor and started to clean up, trying to be as quiet as possible. I wrapped my arms in bandages and put the razor back in my desk drawer. I peeked out the door to make sure the coast was clear before heading to the bathroom, but of course I was fucking caught. "Sorrel?" Mom saw me heading to the bathroom and called me over to where she was sitting with the guy on the couch.

I sat down and awkwardly looked between the two motioning to mom, asking who he was. She responded, "Sorrel, this is Brian. Brian, this is my daughter Sorrel." Brian waved to me with a small smile and I returned the favour, albeit a bit more awkwardly. Mom left to get some drinks for us and with her gone a tense silence washed over the room, but Brian broke the tension by asking me, "How old are you?"

I found it a bit odd but I told him my age and he paused for a moment. I waited for him to say something. When he didn't say anything I was about to speak up when he spoke again. "You know, I have a son the same age as you. I should get you two to meet sometime."

My eyes widened by a fraction. I wasn't expecting him to say that. After that little info drop mom came back with some drinks and for the most part she just talked, trying to get our input on things and overall just trying to get us to talk more. It was getting late so Brian left and mom seemed happier than ever. She turned to me saying, "Oh I think Brian and I are a good match! What do you think sweetie?" I sighed and expressed that it might work out. She tried to question what I meant but I shrugged her off and told her I was tired. I went to my room and opened my phone, only to see 10 missed calls from Lia. I was a bit surprised, but called back anyway.

Lia's P.O.V

I was lying on my bed, still pondering why Sorrel wouldn't answer, when my phone rang. I picked it up in a hurry and answered the call. "Hello? Lia? Why were you calling so much?" It was Sorrel. "Well I wouldn't have fucking called so much if you had answered, dipshit! You had me fucking worried!" She sensed my distress and attempted to calm me down.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry okay? I was doing some... stuff and I didn't have my phone on me." The way she said it sounded a bit odd to me but I was just glad to know that she was okay. "Ugh... fine, but next time send me a text or something!" She laughed and replied, "How can I send you a text if I'm doing something, jackass?" I scoffed. "I dunno! Figure it out somehow, just let me know, okay?" She sighed softly and responded, "Yeah, sure. I'll let you know next time." After my small heart attack from Sorrel not responding and clearing up the misunderstanding, we talked for hours on end, jumping from topic to topic without a care in the world.

(Side note I cld never do this. Non existent social skills and social anxiety took the piss out on me and said "fuck no.")

When we had to hang up because of school in the morning, and because Sorrel was getting tired, we said good night to each other, but something Sorrel said made my face light up in a furious blush.

"I love you..."

'What did she just say!?' I thought to myself. She must have thought I didn't hear her since she whispered it, but I heard it. I hung up and contemplated for the rest of the night whether or not she really meant it.

'God I really fuckin' hope she meant it...'

Sorrel's P.O.V

'Why the hell did I say that!?' My face was a deep shade of crimson the more I thought back on my parting words with  Lia. 'Ughhhh I should've just left it at good night!' I could only hope that she didn't hear what I said. 'Thankfully I whispered it so most likely she didn't hear it...' I flopped down on my bed and held my face in my hands, still embarrassed at my words, then I thought back to the start of the conversation.

"Well I wouldn't have fucking called so much if you had answered, dipshit! You had me fucking worried!"

"I'm sorry okay? I was doing some...
stuff and I didn't have my phone on me."

I felt bad lying to her, but I couldn't tell her what had really happened. I sighed and got up to shower, guilt weighing on my shoulders from lying to Lia. I finished showering and got dressed while still not shaking the guilt off my back from lying to her.

'If only I could tell her what I did without fear of her leaving me... Maybe then I wouldn't have to tell her lies.'

I tossed and turned in bed, not getting much sleep that night.

A new chapter yeahhhhhhhhhh
v( ̄︶ ̄)v anyways is the gay showing yet? It prolly is huh? Welp this came out later than expected, bye until the next chapter!

Wc: 976

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