Scar 5

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Sorrel's POV:

After that torturous day in detention I came home and went to sleep not even caring about whatever fight my parents got into. The morning came and yelled as it usually did and I got up. I did my best to keep quiet as to not disturb the still sleeping house. I snuck my way into the bathroom and showered quickly to try and avoid my parents. 'I shouldn't even be calling them parents at this point... They've been lying to me my whole life... Who knows what else they lied about.' I got dressed for school when I flinched as I heard "dad" screaming again and plates being smashed to the floor. 'Not again... They've been fighting more often lately.'

I tried to get out of my window to escape their argument but I wasn't fast enough this time. Mom burst through the door and rushed over to me, grabbing me by my collar and hauling me downstairs. "Mom what the fuck!?" She turned back to face me with a nasty glare. "Don't 'what the fuck' me young lady! You haven't been in the house lately and I need to correct that as your mother!"

I was fucked now. I tried desperately to get out of her grip but she wouldn't let go. "Mom please I'll be in the house more I promise just please—!" My face turned to the other side as she slapped me. "Shut your damn mouth you ungrateful brat! You will help us today and that. Is. Final!" I tried for one more desperate escape and managed to kick one of her legs, making her fall down and let go of me.

"Ugh you little bitch!" I rushed to the door while she was down, but dad stood in my way. "You should listen to your mother if you know what's good for you Sorrel." I tried to shove past him. "You both aren't even my fucking parents anyway so why the fuck should I listen to you!?" Dad halted his movements and by now mom was already on her feet again standing behind me. "You little BITCH!" My face paled in fear. Mom held me in place as dad reeled his arm back to hit me.

My face was bruised and everything hurt. My nose was bleeding heavily and I was still coughing blood. "That should teach you to respect your parents, girl. Do as you please, I already disciplined you." "Dad" stepped back from me and with shaking feet and a swollen face I walked out the door, not even caring how I looked or how everything hurt.

Lia's POV:

When I got to school I didn't meet Sorrel early like I usually did."Hey Bri, you seen that faggot yet? Was hoping to chat after she got me in trouble. " Brielle shook her head. "Nah, haven't seen her yet. Probably couldn't take the heat 'cuz she was all bark and no bite after that fight huh?" 'Brielle hasn't seen her either?' I gave a quick response. "Oh totally! She's definitely being a pussy." 'Maybe she's staying home then...?' "Woah what the hell? What the fuck happened to Sorrel!?" 'Huh? What is she—?' My thoughts stopped dead in their tracks when I saw where Brielle's gaze had led to.

There Sorrel was, her face black and blue with her nose bleeding and her head down. She walked through the halls with a tremble in her every step, looking like she wanted to fall down at any moment. "What the hell...?" I muttered under my breath. "Holy shit! Looks like the faggot finally got put in her place!" Bri openly mocked her but she didn't respond. She only looked up at her with cold eyes before looking down again and continuing her way to class. "Looks like she got what she deserved huh?" Bri nudged me and tried to give me a kiss, but I pushed her away. "I... I have to go." Bri called after me but I didn't hear her.

For the whole day not once did Sorrel go to the nurse's office to get herself treated. Even the teachers were concerned for her for once in their lives. She was the talk of the school no matter where you went. The day ended and Sorrel packed up her things and rushed out of the classroom as fast as she could. "Damn... Where do you think she got those bruises from?" Jess seemed to ponder on her bruises and not so much her, but my head was somewhere else. "Hey, I gotta get home early today so I'll see you tomorrow 'kay?" Jess looked skeptical but believed it anyway. "Sure, but call me when you get home okay?" I gave her a half hearted 'yeah' and left the classroom.

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