Scar 3

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Sorrel's POV:

Waking up was like a bitch that personally annoyed you all your life. I woke up with an unsatisfying jolt due to the bitch called my alarm actually waking me up. I sighed and turned it off and went to shower. Once I finished showering I got out and headed to my bedroom to put on clothes, but like life always does, I never caught a break. I heard yelling coming from downstairs and that was enough to wake me up. I hurriedly put on my clothes, grabbed the stuff I needed for school, and jumped out my window just as I heard my mom knocking on my door. 'When she realizes I'm not there she'll yell at me when I get home. But that's the future me's problem, not the now me.' I sighed again and made my way to school.

The way to school People trying to run you over, almost getting hit with a glass bottle, y'know, the usual. 'At least I didn't get stuff thrown at me...' I thought to myself. I stepped into hell and made my way to class with the usual harmless jabs aimed at provoking my soul and causing me to potentially go to jail.

After many failed attempts to piss me off I sat in my seat as I waited for our teacher to arrive. I tried immensely to keep myself sane for the sake of not killing anyone prematurely, but sanity was always on a thin line when it came to these whores and bastards. Lia and her 'non-gay' coup decided to grace me with their horrendous presence and I simply wasn't having any of it. They made the normal comments, me being bi, a freak and overall weird as hell person but one comment made me want to put this bitch in the fucking morgue. "Maybe if your mom wasn't the whore she's teaching you to be, you might actually be worth someone's time."

Her friends laughed at the mention of my mother but they were about to have a rude fucking awakening. I stood up from my seat and got right into her face, my face positively glowing with anger and fury. "You can talk about me, my habits and my way of life but you will never talk about my mother- no my parents like that. Whether it's around me or your little makeup whores called 'friends'." It took everything in me to stay controlled at that moment."What did you say about my friends?" She was pissed now, but I could care less. I smirked as I repeated my words. "I said you were all makeup-"

Before I could finish my sentence she punched me across the cheek. Everyone in the class collectively gasped, but I wasn't paying attention to them anymore. I touched the slowly bruising part of my cheek before looking up at her. "So you wanna play like that huh?" I laughed as she grew more red with anger. "Don't worry hun, I've been itching to punch all those fillers out of your face you plastic whore." Whatever pretense that was holding her back from attacking me was long gone, and so the fight had begun.

Punches and kicks were thrown left and right. Those who weren't from our class heard the commotion and piled up outside the door. Those who were from our class and came late got filled in on what was happening. We were both exhausted, but we refused to give up until the other went down. I had a bloody nose, a black eye, two slap marks and multiple bruises while Lia had some bruises and a few broken nails. "You sure you don't wanna give up now whore? Looks like squaring up with a certain someone's got you tired~"

She seemed more alive at my comment, whatever exhaustion in her melting away. "SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" She aimed a right hook at my head but I quickly dodged her and sent one back to her, hitting her in the face. She grunted and held her nose in pain as it started to bleed. Before either of us could send another blow to each other, a teacher pushed through the hoard of students and quelled any fight between us that was left. "What is going on here!? Young ladies like yourselves should not be fighting! To the principal's office now! I will be joining you two after." We tried to protest our visit to the principal but the teacher was having none of it. So we trudged our way to the principal's office.

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