Scar 6

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Sorrel's P.O.V:

After our second hangout me and Lia began to talk a lot more. She didn't see me as a freak and I didn't see her as the other plastic bitches she hung out with. We saw each other as people. We always hung out at her house which was slightly weird but it kept me away from those people. I didn't want to see them after what had happened that day. It was one of our usual hangouts when I asked, "Why are we always at your house? I mean don't get me wrong, I don't wanna be at mine but why not somewhere else for a change?"

She stared at me, slightly wide-eyed. "Oh! I'm not really meant to leave the house after 4:00... So we can't really go anywhere." I was puzzled. "Why can't you leave the house? Your parents forcing you to stay in the house or something?" She sighed and sat cross-legged in front of me. "More like they don't want me being "tainted" as they put it. Something about people trying to ruin me if I stay out for too long on weekdays. It's absurd I know." I was bewildered. "Well that's really fucking weird. 'Kay then..."

We sat in silence for a few more minutes before she spoke up again. "It's lonely." What? "Pardon?" She spoke assertively but more broken this time. "I said it's lonely." I was confused. "How does one get lonely in such a house? I know for sure I wouldn't be lonely." She scoffed. "Trust me, it can get pretty lonely in a place all by yourself..."

Now I was even more confused. "What do you mean 'all by yourself'? Aren't your parents home sometimes? They probably have work for sure but at least they should be home sometimes, right?" She looked away from me and I understood her silent words. "Those two are never home. The only reason you saw my mom was because she was supposed to fly in to cook dinner and heard about the fight, so she came instead. If she didn't fly in it would've been one of the maids instead. 'Damn, that's sad as fuck.' "Sorry about that..." She turned to me and scoffed. "Honestly those bastards never show up for anything so you're fine. If given the chance they'd probably stay out of my life as much as possible." Oh. "Well we hang out together so you're not lonely anymore."

She smiled softly. "Yeah. Thanks for that by the way... For letting me hang out with you. I usually have to pay everyone I know to hang out with me but you aren't like that. You're actually hanging out with me because you want to, not because I forced you to...and it means a lot." Her sentiment warmed my heart, but I knew I eventually had to go. "You're welcome, but I can't stay over at yours forever, I have to go home to my "parents" before it gets worse than it already is." Her mood seemed to dampen at me leaving. "Do you really? You're parents are total dicks! Why can't you just stay?" I sighed softly. "It's already bad as it is with me practically living here every afternoon at school, I don't need things being made worse by me staying any longer. I'm sorry but I have to go..." She pouted but let it happen. I said goodbye and left for the place I was suoposed to call home.

I stepped up to the front of the house. Looking at the door felt like it wanted to swallow me whole. 'Let's just get this over with...' I opened the door and was immediately greeted with a slap to my face. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!?" Mom yelled at the top of her lungs and I covered my ears to muffle the sound. She pulled me up by my shirt and pulled me inside the house.

"WE HAVE BEEN WAITING AND WAITING FOR YOU TO COME HOME AND THIS IS HOW YOU SHOW UP!? YOU SHOULD BE GLAD WE EVEN LET YOU IN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" She threw me to the ground in the middle of the living room and I coughed shakily to catch my breath. It wouldn't have been that bad if it was just mom, but as soon as I caught my breath, the work shoes of my "father" stood in front of me and my face paled in fear.

"Where have you been?" I stammered for an explanation. "I-I—" He cut me off. "Where. Have. You. Been?" I tried one more time to explain myself but he had had enough. He hauled me up by my collar and punched me square in the jaw. He held onto me so that I didn't fall from his grasp but that didn't make it any better. "You'd better have a damn good explanation for why you weren't home all this time." I tried again to get through to him. "Please dad I promise I have a good reason! Just let me—" He punched me in my stomach which left me winded and gasping for breath. "I don't want to even hear your excuse right now, Sorrel. Just know that you are going to pay for being out for so long." I knew I was in deep shit when he said that. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact that was soon to come.

Everything hurt. My body felt like it was on fire from the bruises and it pained to even breath. Dad's knuckles were covered in drops of blood from the beating. Mom's hands were red raw from all the slaps she gave me. "I hope you learned your lesson you brat. Just know the next time you do this, you won't be allowed in the house, you mutt."

Dad kicked me in my stomach to the door until I was out of the house and on the porch in the cold night air. He slammed the door shut and my skin started to feel deathly frigid from the cold night air. 'This is fine... I just... Need to get up...' With extreme difficulty I managed to stand up and steady myself. I managed to make it down the steps and a few houses down before my body collapsed and all my motion stopped. 'Cold... Need...warmth...' My mind and body finally gave in and I passed out... Not before hearing a faint. "Sorrel...?" by a familiar tone, but unsure of where it was from.

Aii the first like week or two was procrastination but when it got to like the 3-4 week mark the weather js said "fuck you" nd threw a hurricane at my house 🙂 there was no internet and I was running on data for like a week and a half which wasn't good at all 😃 finally got internet back like two days ago nd shat out this monstrosity in like an hour or so cuz I already had a draft going. N e whore I hope yall enjoyed this fucking mess that came outta my asshole, hopefully updates will get back on track asap nd ill actually rmr shit /src. If yall wanna know about the hurricane thing js search up "Hurricane Beryl SVG" nd you'll prolly find it

Wc: 1096

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