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Jungkook  and everyone was was sitting  when doctor came out . Jungkook rush towards him asked him about maya's health

Doctor: she lost too much blood . We need to arrange blood for her

Jungkook: you can take mine we have same blood group.

Doctor: ok come we have to do some test  to make sure .

They did some test

Jungkook was waiting for the reports

When doctor again came .

Doctor: mr jeon you have to arrange **** blood  because you blood didn't match .

Jungkook: but how it's possible. She is the one who gave me blood years ago

Doctor: I don't know about that but you and and ms maya's blood is completely oposite

Maya's mom: leave-e it it-t take my blood we have same blood group
She went with the doctor while jungkook was standing there like a statue.

Jungkook pov

Maya lied to me but why why she did that . Then who the fuck save me . And why the fuck Maya take credit for something she didn't did . Why she did that with me . Why she lied

Time skip

Now Maya is fine doctor told them she will get her conscious back after few hours later .

Jungkook saw her finger moving she he called the doctor.

The doctor examine her then left now everyone is talk to her .

Mrs jeon: Maya honey. How you fall from the stairs.

Maya : aunty I was talking to yn when suddenly she got mad and start to behaving like crazy mad woman . She start to yell that jungkook is only Hers . In gonna steal him from her . She will kill me and then suddenly she push me from there and next thing I know I'm here

Mrs jeon : it's okey honey. She is gone now . I never knew that she can be like this . She is a crazy bitch .

Maya's eyes fall on the figure who was standing at the corner of the room with a blank face

Maya: jungkook come here . Why are you standing there ? Come closer

Jungkook walk towards her without saying anything

Mrs jeon : ok you both talk .

She left from there leaving jungkook and Maya alone.

Maya : are you sad because you and yn broke up ? Don't worr I'm here for yo-

Jungkook: how do you know that me and yn broke up

Maya : umm I-I just guess

Jungkook: how do you even know that we both were dating ?

Maya : jungkook-k umm I-I just-r I-I my-y mom told me-e about that-t

Jungkook: miss ( maya's mom) don't know that we were dating.

Maya :..............

Jungkook: tell me the truth Maya .

Maya : what-t truth

Jungkook: no you're not gonna tell me it's fine . Let me tell you something if I got to know about the truth you're hiding by my self you're gonna be in great trouble . So tell me now why did you lied years ago

Maya pov ......

Oh my gosh how he got to know about our past . It's okay don't panic Maya . Stay calm and tell him the truth because that story is past it doesn't matter anymore

Maya : umm jungkook i don't wanna make you made or my intention wasn't wrong it's just I was jealous that yn was so close to you . That's why I want you both to separate because I can't see both so close to each other that day at canteen yn came to meet you but I insult her but still she didn't back up that's why when she push me lightly I take advantage of that moment and push myself to a boy who was carrying stuffs and blame yn for that . Jungkook i know I was childish that time but trust I just want your love .

Jungkook: and why did you lied that you were the one who gave me blood when our blood group doesn't even Match .

Maya: I-I okey FINE . Let me tell you so you got into a bad accident. That time you need blood as soon as possible but they don't have your blood . That time yn came and agree to gave you her blood . But she told me not to tell you because you told her not to come in front of him and can get mad . I also take advantage of that moment because that time only I was with you at hospital. So I said that I gave you my blood because I wanna get close to you . Just everything I did is for you plz . I love you so much. I know you also love me that's why you only use yn for me . Plz jungkook don't leave me

Jungkook: you disappoint me so much. I only want to know about that blood incident but you told about it he canteen incident by your ownself . Thank you so much for telling me the truth or else I never knew how shitty you are . I was cursing the girl I love for years just for some like you and I regret. I regret it badly . You know I don't love it like you Maya I was only grateful to you because you save me but it turn out that you also lied about that thing. I thought you as my responsibility because I thought it was you who save me that time but You misunderstood my friendship as love and I regret trusting you rather than the girl I love and the girl I know from childhood. You disappoint me badly. I never thought you can be like this .

Maya : jungkook plz don't leave me . Plz jungkook I love you so much plzzzzzz JUNGKOOKKKKK

After saying that he left  while Maya was keep screaming

Jungkook came out of that room and call someone.

Jungkook: give me the CCTV footage of yesterday with voice  around **** time . Send. It as soon as possible

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