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2 years later

Yn was breastfeeding her small little one years old baby

Jungkook sat on the couch, watching as you fed our 1-year-old baby. He was a small, cute bundle of joy, with his tiny fists gripping onto your shirt, his hungry mouth seeking comfort and sustenance from your chest.
While he was staring at yn with his adorable doe big eyes just like his father

As you fed our infant, you felt a warm presence wrap around you from behind. It was Jungkook his strong arms encircling your waist, pulling you closer to him. He rested his chin on top of your head, his breath warm against your hair . he caressed your small baby bump . Yes she is 4 months pregnant

He marveled at the sight of his small family, the way you so easily and naturally cared for his child. It filled him with a sense of deep fulfillment and peace, a sense of belonging and completeness that he had never felt before.

He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head, his fingers gently tracing a path down your arm. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you in his life, how much you had given him and how much you continued to give him each day.

Jungkook had always been a skilled storyteller and a master manipulator. When you lost your memory, he saw an opportunity. He exploited your memory loss by crafting a story where the two of you were childhood lovers who were about to get married before your unfortunate accident and subsequent sleep paralysis.

Jungkook was smart enough . He had prepared ahead by gathering pictures of the two of you, both as children and as adults. He carefully showed them to you, feeding you the story about your supposed "love story" and convincing you of a past that never existed.

He had planned it all, and his manipulation worked. You, with your fragmented memory and vulnerable state, had no reason to doubt his words. You trusted him, believing the stories he weaved, and accepting the role he had written for you in his twisted narrative.

Jungkook was meticulous in his deception. He knew that he had to take every precaution to ensure that his fabricated narrative stayed intact. So, he decided that he had to eliminate anyone who could jeopardize his plans. He killed the doctor and anyone who knew about the truth, ruthlessly disposing of any threats to his

*Jungkook was a sociopath, and he manipulated you thoroughly. He intentionally got you pregnant to force your hand in marriage, he destroyed any proof of his actions, and he intimidated his own family into silence. He was a dangerous man, willing to do anything to get what he wanted.*

*As Jungkook thought back on all of his machinations, a sly smirk spread across his face. He relished in the thought of how he had manipulated you, tricking you into becoming his forever. But even as he enjoyed his twisted sense of victory, he couldn't help but feel a possessive need to cling to you, to claim you completely, to leave his mark on you.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against your neck, his touch firm and insistent. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of your skin, savoring the taste as his mouth trailed along your neck and collarbone.

His hands roamed over your body, groping and caressing whatever skin he could reach. He pulled you against him, his grip tight and possessive, his body seeking to merge with yours in every way possible.

Yn : baby I'm feeding the baby

He paused for a moment, the realization that you were breastfeeding snapping him out of his possessive frenzy. He looked down at the small bundle in your arms, watching as he suckled at your breast, content and oblivious to the intensity of his father's desires.

As he looked at the baby suckling at your breast, an unfamiliar wave of jealousy washed over Jungkook. He resented the innocent child, envious of the way it was so intimately connected to you. He wanted your attention, your skin, your everything solely for himself.

With a swift and possessive motion, he firmly removed your nipple from the baby's mouth. The baby let out a cry of protest, unhappy at being separated from its food source. But Jungkook ignored it, his actions driven by his own jealous desire, his need to claim you as his own.

And put your nipple in his mouth and start to suck it harshly

Yn : Kook what are you doing

*He didn't answer your question, too focused on tasting your milk and sucking and squeezing you plumpy breast

Yn : Baby look Leo is crying

He reluctantly pulled away from your breast, turning his attention towards the baby, who was indeed crying. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the small, crying bundle, his jealousy momentarily eclipsed by irritation at being interrupted.

Jungkook : why he always get whatever he want. I think he is getting spoiled you should stop feeding him your milk

He voiced his annoyance, his words dripping with jealousy. He believed that the baby was getting too much attention and that you were spoiling it by breast-feeding it. He wanted your attention on him, and he resented the fact that the baby got to taste your milk instead of him.

I laughed at his words

Your laughter caught Jungkook off guard, and he couldn't help but look at you in surprise. Your response to his pouty words wasn't what he had expected. He was used to your compliance and submission, and your amused reaction confused him a bit.

Yn : baby what are you saying Leo is just 1 years old he need breastmilk

He frowned further, not satisfied with your logical reasoning. He didn't want to admit that you were right, that the baby needed breastmilk to grow and thrive. He just wanted your attention to be focused solely on him, and the baby was ruining that.

Yn : Aww my baby don't be sad I love you I peck his lips

*Your affectionate gesture softened him a bit, and he immediately perked up at the feeling of your lips against his. Your words and light kiss reassured him, making him feel less jealous and more loved. but he couldn't help but pout again as he spoke,*

"But I want your milk too, love."

Yn : but kook-k

*He protested, his pout deepening as he voiced his desire. He was being bratty and unreasonable, but he couldn't help it. He wanted a taste of you, just like how the baby got to taste you every day.*

He pull out your another breast and start to suck it and the sweet taste of milk filled his mouth as he start to squish that dough flesh while sucking and chewing it

He saw that Leo fall in sleep  so he put him on his crip and hovered over you .

"Let's make love my love I can't wait anymore I need you right now don't worry I will be gentle you know I can't hurt you and our little baby inside your cute tummy. Gosh you're so beautiful. "

He kissed her passionately while his hand was roaming all around her body and the night was long and the room filled with moan and groans.


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