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Lucy placed her coffee down on her desk, wiping away some dirt from her jeans. "Any news on my missing persons?" she asked her assistant, June. (which was one of the most luxurious perks of being a detective in the SFPD) June nodded, and placed a folder down on her desk.

"Three hits on fingerprints last night, looks like our guy just up and left his wife. Doesn't seem like he's actually in any danger or missing, we pulled his prints from a DUI stop in Oakland," Lucy nodded at June's words, tucking a brown curl behind her ear.

"Ok, bring him in. I'll call the wife, break the news,"

"On i-" her assistant was interrupted by Lucy's phone ringing. She reached down to silence it, but read the caller ID.

"Shit. I've gotta take this, it's Zoe's preschool," June nodded and stepped away, headed to the break room under the guise of getting coffee. Lucy smiled, appreciative of the privacy. She pressed accept and lifted the phone to her ear. "Chen,"

"Hi Ms.Chen, I know you just dropped your daughter off but we're going to need you to come pick her up. She just threw up all over the playground, and her temperature is pretty high." The lady on the other line sounded annoyingly cheerful, and Lucy groaned.

"Ok, i'm on my way. Tell her Mommy's coming," She hung up, and took a gulp of her lukewarm coffee. "June! I've gotta go, could you mark me in on a personal?" Her assistant peeked her head out from the break room and gave her a thumbs up. She watched June turn her head back to talk to Officer Steven's.

Awe, inner station love. It was adorable, no matter how much it reminded her of a certain man who'd broken her heart. A certain man who hadn't answered a single fucking call in five years. She but her tongue at the thought of him, blocking it out.

She turned on her heel, headed out the front doors of the station she'd just walked into. Hoping her baby wasn't too sick. She made her way to the garage and sat down in her old ass crappy honda. She'd been meaning to upgrade it ever since she got a raise as head detective of her department, but she just hadn't gotten around to it.

As she started her drive her phone buzzed from the dash, and she picked it up to answer. "Hello?"

"Hi Ms.Chen this is Jeanette Peters from Oakland Children's Hospital, your daughter had a seizure in preschool and we called an ambulance for her. We are on our way to the hospital right now. Your baby is conscious and well, and she's a smart girl. She knew your phone number."

"Oh my god," Lucy said, gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles went white. Her heart fell to her stomach, and Lucy's vision blurred. As a mother there is nothing more terrifying than hearing that your baby is in trouble, it's up there with hearing a loved one's name over the shop radio. A nightmare for all cops.
"I'm uh, i'm on my way from my work in san francisco i should be there soon enough but Can you tell her Mommy's coming? Please."

"Ms.Chen, she's going to be alright. She's just a little shaken up,"

Well that's a very bad choice of words for a seizure patient.

"I need to talk to the other paramedics, so i'm going to hang up now. Ok?"

"Ok, fuck, i'm on my way, I'm just getting into oakland now but the traffic is horrible," There was a click and Lucy knew the other line had hung up.

Her world had come to a complete stop five years ago, when Zoe's father and her had broken up, flipped on its axis when he didn't answer any calls and seemed to go untraceable. Off the grid. He didn't andwer the hundreds of calls or texts or even her showing up at his home (which was fucking vacant). He promised her the world and a future but then he hadn't been there for any of it. One moment he had been the love of her life, that knew her better than anyone else. And the next all she had of him were memories, well, and a little girl.

Her world had began to spin once again seven months later. When they placed that perfect angel in her arms in the hospital room. It didn't matter that she'd been alone, that she was a heart broken single mother who'd moved 100 miles upstate from all family and friends. From the day she had Zoe she'd never be alone again. And now her world was slowing down again, fearing the worst as she slammed on the gas. Praying to Gods she didn't fully believe in to rescue her baby girl.

As a cop she knew better than to speed, she'd spent years pulling people over for just that. As a mother she didn't give a fuck.

She also didn't see the shop behind her as she increased her speed to 10 mph over the limit. She did however, see the fucking sirens.

"SHIT!" She screamed, slamming her hands against the steering wheel as she slammed on the breaks, slowing down to pull over to the other side of the street.

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