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The facts hung in the air like LA humidity after a stormy day.

Zoe. Her name was Zoe. Anderson's name. Anderson who had paired them as rookie and TO. Zoe, the name they'd discussed. Whispers in the night, words carelessly shared skin to skin, fantasizing about one day. One day when they might have a baby. An idea, shared over pillows and now real and here and living.

Four. Zoe was four. They'd seperated five years ago, but given say eight months of pregnancy the math did itself.

The girls features. Her blue eyes. Bradford blue.

The gold pendant he had given Lucy around her neck. He stood there, heart racing. How had his life spun around this fast. This morning he'd been cold, empty and alone. And now he felt a level of joy he hadn't in years. He found her. He had a daughter.

"Bradford. Dude. What the fuck just happened,"

Tim turned back to Officer Kent, who he'd forgotten was there. "That's my daughter," he said. Heart clenching as he thought of his little girl, who'd he'd never even met. Who was recovering from a seizure. Who was tiny, and precious. Who he would do anything for, die for, kill for. He realized it in the moment. And all of those cheesy fathering quotes was coming true. He loved the little person he didn't even know, in a way he had never loved.

It wasn't the kind of love he had for Angela or Grey or Genny.

It wasn't the passionate, romantic all encompassing love he had for Lucy.

It was sweet, and pure. His whole world was changed, his life would never be the same now that he had a family.

"The hot one?" Kent asked, eyebrows raised.

"What? No, that's Lucy. How old do you think I am?" Tim cringed at the thought.

"Oh. Sorry man, do you uh, need to stay?"

Tim nodded, "Yes, call me in on a personal, and head back to the station. Take the shop. They can set you up with a temp TO for today,"

Kent nodded, turning on his heel, before he looked back. "Hey man, congrats on the kid. I hope she feels better."

Tim offered him a tight lipped smile and a terse nod, before a thought hit him. She was his daughter, which meant she had his genetics. Which meant...

He pushed through the blue double doors, taking off down a hallway. But then he stopped. Surrounding him was an impossible labyrinth of rooms and doors and hallways leading to more rooms and doors and hallways. He walked to the front desk, where a lady in pink scrubs with wild red curls looked up at him. "Zoe Chen, I need her room number,"

"One moment officer," the woman responded, typing something into the computer. Her nails clicking on the keyboard. "We don't have a Zoe Chen in our system. I'm sorry,"

"No, she was just brought in, seizure patient. She's four, brown hair blue eyes." The lady gave him a fake smile, and clicked away at her keyboard again. "I'll search her criteria,"

He stood still for what felt like forever but was probably only 30 seconds, before she looked up. "Relationship to patient,"

"I'm her father," he said, his chest twinged as he said it. The nurse frowned.

"You don't know your daughter's last name?"

Tim scowled, "What room is she in." he barked, bringing his TO voice out.

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