chapter 9

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Dk : what if you become my mate????

While thinking about that in his mind coincidencely yn turned to look at him and smiled at him...

Dk was so awestruck to speak... Suddenly he came back to reality and started to work on his studies...


Time skip at 11.30 pm

@Lee Residence

Dk was so nervous to even step out of his room... Suddenly a knock can be heard making him to come back from his thoughts... Dk told that person to come in...

Dokyeom's father came into his room to see his son...

Mr.lee : Hae buddy... Are you ready to go inside the common land(forest which is common for every pack and whereone finds there mates)

Dk : I- I'm kinda nervous dad...

Mr.lee : what happened to my sunshine...

Dk : it's just I'm gonna turn into my wolf form for the 1st time... I don't even know I'm an alpha or not... And what if my mate rejects me?...

Mr. Lee : I see your problem is not about being an alpha it's about mate...

Mr. Lee thought for a while and answered

Mr.Lee : Dokyeom ah dont worry about anything... If she is meant to be yours no one can take you... It's a promise... Not from me but from moon goddess... So don't worry... And about being an alpha don't thing about that now... You are a heir of an alpha so you know what you will be...

Mr. Lee's words gave dk some confidence... And dokyeom bid his farewell to his father and left to the forest....



Dark sky which is clearly representing dokyeom's fear and anxiety... It's a new moon day and there is no moon in the sky... Stars are the only thing that's in the whole big sky... Forest filled with darkness... Sound of water can be heard from where dokyeom is... Running water of the waterfalls calms the running heart of dokyeom...

Dokyeom stared at his watch...

Dk : just a minute more...

Dokyeom prayed to the moon goddess...

Dk : I know that you always blessed your favourite couples... But today you are not here... But I only wish my mate to not deny me... I'll cherish her till the death bring us apart... This is my only prayer mood goddess...

The clock hits 12 dokyeom started to feel uneasy...


Let's see what's gonna happen On next part....

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