chapter 5

13 4 1

8: whao looks like prince charming sickness affected his princess too...🤣🤣

Mg: ah the way his princess looks at him wahhh poetry...

Dk being so done with them and just had his medicines without any arguments....


At the same time somewhere in the werewolf world...

Smell of wine had the place captured with the dark vibe and slow music... Women and girls who lost their mates are crying in agony...

Some of the men are pleasuring themselves in that girls pain... Some of the women can't take the loss of their mates and also being used by other male who are not their mates... Rather they are taking their life at the instant...

At that time someone entered the place makes everyone go silent ...

Every single girls there hoped that this man would help them but all their hopes are in vein...

Everything continues as that person start to talk with himself

?1: Who knows that a man like me would do such things against the rules in the werewolf world...

Just wait till for the vengeance increase... Then the throne would be mine... And no one can beat me... Every single alpha would be under me... And I'm the alphas of alpha...


At school...

While sitting in the classroom dk suddenly started to cough so bad... There is no teachers in the class till now... His friends tried to take him out but yn told them that she'll bring him out...

But someone in the class room smirked while watching them...

Who is the person doing illegal things in werewolves world that wants to create more mess in already ruined place...

Why dk suddenly started to cough out of nowhere... Let's see in the next ep

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