Chapter 1

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Coffee: one sweet and low, a little milk; Harry Styles' drink. Especially this morning as he sat in the dentists office exhausted. Louis sat on the floor playing with the two stuffed animals he was allowed to bring. One being his lion the other his monkey named Steve. Sighing, Harry glanced at the boy again running a hand through his hair, he looked a little rougher then usual, considering the past few nights he put his Papa through. Louis was dressed in black skinny jeans rolled up a little past the ankles, long sleeve white football t-shirt, and grey and black vans. His blue jean jacket with grey sleeves on Harry's lap as he read through stuff on his phone.

Zayn parked getting out, he wasn't late. Just not early. Great. Letting the chilly air whip his face harsher then he was prepared for, Zayn hurried in breathing heavily. Taking a seat one over by Harry, Zayn took in the outfit Harry sported: grey V-neck with jeans and grey nikes. He obviously wasn't going to work today. Make they could take Louis to the park. Not that Zayn was looking to spend time with Harry after breaking up with Oliver two weeks prior to this moment. But it was important for Louis to know that both of his parents still loved him. "Daddy!" Louis shrieked bouncing as he crawled over to him kissing his cheek, "Hey baby boy." Zayn returned, "They said it should just be a few more minutes." Harry remarked

Louis continued playing as both his parents remained on their phones neither really wanting to be the first to talk. It was still four months until the divorce was final. A cry alerted them both as Louis crawled over to Harry for his pacifier, his mouth killing him.  "Baby no. You've already chewed three of them up. I know it hurts, I know." Harry soothed, "He's chewed up three binkys?" Zayn asked shocked,Harry threw a look, "Y-yeah. Yes he has." He replied shakily, it felt weird talking to Zayn. Harry found the man good looking still. Why? He had moved on, hell the man has two more kids for crying out loud. Ignoring the attraction he still got from Zayn Harry combed through Louis' hair. It still needed to be cut. Maybe they could do that tomorrow. Harry wasn't working, then they could go and get some lunch. Just make a day out of it. Smiling at his plan, Harry was snapped back into reality when the nurse called his name, "Mr.Malik? If you and Louis will just follow me." Zayn started to get up but realized she was talking to Harry. He hadn't changed his name. Harry held Louis' hand as they walked back, Louis sent a look to Zayn, "Daddy?" Zayn returned the questionable look, was he expected to follow?
Rising again Zayn let the nurse lead the three back to a room, "Get up in the chair honey." The nurse ordered, Louis sent a pleading look to Zayn knowing Harry was going to force him to do as told. "Get up there bubba." Zayn encouraged, Louis whimpered when he felt a small slap to his backside, it was more a warning then a punishing hit, though it still stung. Harry signaled he was going to strike again when Louis scrambled up in the chair. Zayn chuckled lightly at the boy, "Start doing as your told and that wouldn't happen." Louis gave a small glare as the nurse snipped on a bib like they do to all patients. "The dentist will be with you shortly." She chirped, Harry rolled his eyes knowing that was one of the biggest lies. Running his hand through Louis' hair, Harry sighed, "How about we go to the park after this?" Zayn suggested to Louis who looked scared for his life, "P-park?" Zayn nodded, "Of course. We'll go slide and swing. Then if you're good we can get some hot chocolate. Want that bubba?" Zayn suggested, Louis happily nodded, "Are the other two coming?" Harry snorted before helping himself, Zayn sighed, "No. Oliver and I broke up." Harry felt a twinge of relief but quickly ignored it, "Oh. Sorry." Zayn shrugged it off when the dentist strolled in sitting on a stool rolling over to Louis, "Why hello Louis. What seems to be the problem?" He asked, Louis glanced up at Harry who got out the pacifier from the Ziploc bag he had, "Chewed up three of them." The dentist raised an eyebrow, "Alrighty..., I'm going to lean you back and have you open real big for me. There you go." Louis gasped as the dentist (Drake) began poking around in his mouth with metal utensils. "Well his fangs -We'll call them- are growing. And so are his back teeth." He reported, "Are his wisdom teeth growing as well?" Harry asked, the dentist poked around some more, "Not quite yet. Though I will give you something for the pain. These are teething tablets, infants will usually use them, though they work the same with teens and or adults. Just take them as needed, easy to chew. Oh and another thing is if he uses pacifiers or dummies then placing them in the freezer having him suck on them cold will help numb the pain." Drake explained, Harry nodded listening intently, Zayn however was more worried about Louis who held a deathly tight grip on his hand, "Relax babe, we're here." Louis pressed a light kiss to Zayn's hand begging to be held, ignoring his plead, Zayn continued listening to Drake and Harry talk. It seemed innocent when Drake flashed a smile to Harry, a more then friendly one. Jealousy burned through Zayn someone was flirting with his curly headed, tall, freak, ex-husband... Oh yeah. The divorce. Still had four months.

Zayn's P.O.V (Point Of View)
Does getting jealous make me a hypocrite? I mean I did move on first. So? I dumped him. No. I don't miss Harry. The prick cheated. Besides it was Louis' fault I dumped Oliver after his "Papa number two." Remarks due to their similarities in looks, I just couldn't do it.

No one's P.O.V
Not enjoying being ignored, Louis started to sob, Harry shot his stare to Louis who pried at Zayn's hip, Zayn scooped him up gently removing the clip from his shirt, "I'll take him out." Zayn muttered rubbing his back, "Calm down baby boy." He mumbled Louis instantly calmed hearing the nickname his father used when the first met. It always seemed to have an effect. However it was different now. When he first met his daddy, he was happy. He was with Harry his papa. Now the two didn't enjoy being in the same room together. "Why did you start crying in there bubba?" Zayn asked sitting Louis on his lap, "J-jus g-got sad." He replied weakly, "Why did you get sad?" Zayn asked stroking his hair, "Y-ou and Papa in s-same room. I-I m-miss dat." Zayn sighed, of course it was that. Of course. Both knew it would be hard for the boy, but in two months you think he'd get used to it. Sniffling Louis buried himself in Zayn when Harry jogged out, "Why are you crying baby?" Zayn lightly shook his head at Harry, he didn't want to hear the response. It was heart breaking. Harry got the hint sighing. "How about that hot chocolate daddy promised?" Harry offered looking Zayn in the eyes as if asking if that was okay, "Yeah? How about we all go to the park." Zayn added, Louis weakly peaked up, "O-otay."
Stuffing Louis in his jacket, Harry sighed pulling down the beanie further on his head, "Alright baby, you go swing, We'll be right here." Louis nodded pecking both Harry's and Zayn's cheeks as he ran to play. "Don't talk to strangers!" Zayn reminded as he went to go get hot chocolate. Harry sat weirdly smiling. He couldn't deny being happy, it felt like it used to somehow. Zayn and him taking Louis their son to the park. Harry had missed it.
His thoughts were interrupted when Zayn came back holding three cups of the warm beverage, "Thanks." Harry mumbled sipping his slowly, Zayn followed his movements, both men sitting in silence watching Louis who in his own world swung while grinning at his parents. He loved seeing them next to each other. Would this be the part they kiss?
"How's your sister?" Zayn suddenly asked, "Fine." Harry returned not meeting Zayn's eyes of course. It was too soon for that.

Louis soon jogged up standing in the V of Zayn's legs taking a sip of the hot drink, getting whip cream on his lips, Zayn also had some on the top of his lip. "Ugh, you make a mess taking a drink. What am I going to do with you?" Harry teased wiping it off with his thumb, Louis pointed at Zayn's upper lip, "Daddy did too!" Harry paused, was Louis expecting him to wipe it off Zayn? Should he? Would it be weird? Before Harry could realize what he was doing, he had wiped the cream softly from Zayn's lips with his thumb as he did Louis. Zayn pulled a firm smile, "Thank you." Harry could only nod not finding words to return. Louis unaware of the awkwardness he had created gave a quick snuggle before resuming to swing. Harry sighed running a hand through his hair, "I-I'm s-sorry. T-that was a-a s-serious b-boundary, i-I am reall-" harry begun, "Harry it's fine." Zayn quickly assured, yes it was awkward but it took all Zayn had to not take another drink to get more whip cream on his lip. He had missed Harry's touch. He had missed Harry.

"Tell daddy bye Lou." Harry said softly, Louis whined looking up from Harry's shoulder, his nap time was calling. "B-bye Daddy." Louis whispered blowing a weak kiss, "Bye bubba." Zayn returned walking to his own car leaving Harry to strap Louis in stealing a glance at Zayn. The love of his life. Louis still in a haze could see Harry watching Zayn, yes he was young and innocent but the hybrid knew love. He could sense the presence of the feeling. Harry loved Zayn, and Zayn loved Harry. Four months left of a divorce swearing they didn't.

*How is That?! Helllllooooo!!! Hi everyone! Welcomeing me back with open arms? (no one is in the mood for hugs) aright then. I told you it would come in the summer and ya didn't have faith did ya?! Well here it is. I love you all! Sorry it took forever to write I meant to have published it yesterday.... But things change. Anyway I will wrap this up with one final: A SON'S LOVE CHAPTER 1!!!! Until next time: I'm Emma :)

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