Chapter 18

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Harry sighed as the program had a short intermission, letting the people get the awards out and set up. Louis leaned on the man his short self standing in between Harry's legs, "Papa?"

"What baby?"

"I want dummy." Louis whined, "No, you don't need it." Harry assured rubbing soothing circles in Louis' back, "I 'ant it." Louis cried, "Don't start crying unless you want a spanking." Harry snapped setting Louis fully on his lap to have him kick and squirm, "I 'ant d-down! D-own!" Louis begged bouncing on Harry's knees, "Lewis Malik that is enough. One.. Two.. Three." Zayn snarled ripping Louis from Harry lap storming to the bathroom with a bawling kid in his arm. "P-pwease no 'panking. I be good! G-good b-boy! No 'panking 'addy!" Louis pleaded. Zayn locked the bathroom door unbuttoning Louis' jeans tugging them down, pulling him close Zayn pampered his backside with fifteen fast hits. Pulling down his Toy-Story boxers to see his bum a bright red. Letting the material snap against his backside, Louis yelped fresh tears leaking from his eyes as he cried in his hands loudly. "Count these last five." Zayn demanded, SMACK, "O-one."




" 'F-free"


" F-ive." Louis howled happy he was done, Zayn rolled his eyes, "You skipped four baby." Louis only sobbed louder awaiting the last smack which was always the hardest, SMACK, "F-our!" Louis bawled as Zayn pulled up the boys pants scooping him back up as Zayn carried him back out. "Apologize to Papa." Zayn ordered setting Louis down, "I-I s-sowwy Papa." Louis sobbed, Harry put Louis on his lap again soothing his cries with sweet words in his ear and plenty kisses. "Louis calm down bubba." Zayn hushed as the boy continued to fussily cry. Harry put formula in a cup mixing it handing it to Louis who shook his head burying himself in Harry who rocked him, "I'm gonna go smoke before it starts again." Zayn mumbled, Louis perked his head up making grabby hands to Zayn, "He's going to do something alone. You just stay with Papa." Harry mumbled kissing his temple again, "D-daddy pwease." Louis cried, Zayn sighed glancing at Harry, "I don't know, I think he's sick or something. Fresh air will do him good." Harry rambled confused as to why Louis was so fussy. Zayn took the boy again grabbing his jacket as he strolled outside setting Louis down, pulling out a cigarette Zayn lit it inhaling deeply. Louis whined grabbing a fist full of Zayn's shirt as he buried his head into the man's side. "Well I never thought I'd see that face again." Hunter Law called, "Same goes for you mate." Zayn replied with a chuckle, "Still smoking I see." Hunter smirked, "Started again, it's a bad habit to quit." He informed, Hunter nodded solemnly pulling his pack out lighting one, "Yea it is. Who's this little one?"

"This is my son Louis, who is extremely grumpy today." Zayn responded feeling Louis' grip tighten on his shirt. "Takes after his father huh?" Hunter teased, Zayn shrugged smirking. Hunter mirrored his look, the men reliving the trouble they cause on their fort. Zayn and hunter partners in crime, always playing pranks. "You and Harry still together?"

"Yeah, how're you and Ally still a thing?"

"Yep, stronger then ever now. She's pregnant with our third." Hunter exclaimed, Zayn smiled sweetly, "That's amazing. I'm happy for 'ya man."

"Same for you Malik." Hunter remarked turning to enter the building. Louis whined letting go as he saw a flower moving in the wind, "No bubba, you can't pick those. C'mon it's almost time to go inside anyway." Zayn called, Louis groaned ignoring Zayn's warnings as he stared at the parking lot looking at the pretty cars, "Louis come on, you wanted to come out here, so you get to stand right beside me." Zayn retorted sternly grabbing the boys wrist pulling him back after stomping out his cigarette.

Trisha had captured Harry in a topic of cooking, when Louis ran into her arms knowing she would give him whatever his little heart desires, "Oh no you don't. You come sit right here my love." Zayn mockingly cooed sitting Louis on his lap where he faced him. Louis whimpered turning to face Trisha holding his arms out, "Sorry baby, Daddy said you had to sit there." Yaser chuckled seeing the resemblance in Louis' pouting compared to Zayn's whenever he was little. Forcing Louis to lay down fully on Zayn he grabbed his coat draping it over him to make him sleep. Harry handed Zayn his pacifier who slipped it into Louis' awaiting mouth. Rocking gently in the chair, Louis watched Harry from his view on Zayn's shoulder reaching his hand out to hold his Papa's. Harry cooed kissing the boys knuckles as he slipped into sleep.

When the assembly was over the family went to a restaurant where Zayn asked for a highchair again sitting Louis in it. "W-waf... D-addy n-no.." He started tears building when Zayn put in the fallen pacifier. "If he's like this tomorrow then I'm making him an appointment." Zayn muttered as Louis remained his crying quietly state. Harry nodded in agreement rubbing Louis' thigh comfortingly. "You have such a beautiful family sweetheart." Trisha hummed, "Thanks mum." Zayn exhaled tiredly, "We do, don't we?" Harry gushed leaning over to kiss Zayn softly, "We'll finish at home." The now horny Bradford man growled into Harry's ear.

"La-La-La... Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba...!" Louis sang in the car moving his snake and Lion around his car seat giggling loudly. "I think my little man needs to be rocked then put to bed." Harry chuckled seeing Louis grinning for the first time that day. "N-no! Lions no sweep, 'dey pways all night 'wif 'dere toys a-and 'wif 'dere shoes!" Louis cackled as if that was the funniest thing he had ever heard, "With their shoes? That's crazy!" Zayn exclaimed, Louis went red in the face from laughing so hard that when he calmed down there were tears on his cheeks. Messing with the laces on his dumb toms Louis managed to untie them both happy at his work. That was until Harry smacked his hands for untying them yet again. "What did I say about these shoes?"

"No untie 'dem." Louis mindlessly reminded hearing it to many times, "Then why do you continue to untie them?" Harry groaned. Louis sighed as he was laid in bed that night, a baby blue shirt with a whale on it with grey joggers to march, "Goodnight baby. No getting up tonight, deal?" Harry asked laying Louis' sippy cup in bed with him, his pacifier right beside him. "N-no 'eal." Louis giggled quietly, "Ugh, my little lawyer. Always arguing. I love you baby, goodnight." Harry hummed brushing hair from the boys forehead, Louis turned on his stomach grabbing his pacifier as he fell asleep quickly.

Harry crept back to his room to see Zayn laying on the bed, "You still up for tonight?" Harry asked, "N-not really, I'm really tired." Zayn replied feeling bad, Harry nodded crawling next to the man, "It's fine. We have forever, right?"


>>Oh look! It's me again! I love how everyone is probably groaning at the mere sight of me and I'm sorry. I know I'm not Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Or Niall Horan. My mistake. Anyway, send me in prompts if you have any and they might just be done. Love you all! ~Emma : ) 

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