Chapter 21

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"Shhh, calm down baby. Daddy's gotcha." Zayn soothed as he expertly swayed with Louis who had hiccups he had been sobbing so harshly. "There we go, see? It was just a mean 'ol nightmare." Zayn assured gently as he pried Louis' fists from his shirt laying him down in his arms as he sat in the rocking chair, "What was this one about baby?"

" 'd-dat o-old 'addy 'hewe 'gain." Louis whimpered tears welling in his eyes, "Well you know that will never happen again baby." Zayn reminded kissing Louis' forehead, "Papa and I will always protect you." Louis sniffled watching out the window intently as Zayn continued rocking starting to hum.

Softly rubbing lotion over Louis' stomach after the boys bath Harry noticed a small scratch on his side, "What happened baby?"

"I no know." Louis mumbled chewing on Lion's ears, "Okay, well, just be careful you silly monster." Harry chuckled as Louis squealed, "I's no monster papa!" He giggled running around in the royal-blue skinny jeans Harry forced him in. "When I'm ready we're gonna go." Harry reminded as he retreated to the bathroom, leaving the door open he watched as Louis went from playing with his barbies to laying on the bed to be engrossed in Spongebob.

Harry sighed fixing his hear in the mirror, he was taking Louis to a psychiatrist. Niall had finally talked him into it when Harry refused to have him checked for Fool's Lily venom so soon. "Alright Lou, are you ready to go?" Harry asked straightening his own shirt as he held the plain white one out for Louis who held his arms up. " 'ere we go?"

"We are going to go see a very nice lady. She's going to tell us why you're having such bad dreams baby." Harry explained scooping Louis up as he grabbed his diaper bag and jacket on the way out. "You good Papa." Louis giggled kissing the mans cheek, "Awe thank you baby." Harry cooed strapping him in his car seat handing him his cup of juice and Snake. Back from the driveway Harry sighed again starting towards the office thoughts swarming his head,

What if it's Fool's Lily venom?

Am I a bad parent?

What are his dreams about?

Has Michael escaped from Prison?

The last one scared him. Shaking his head to rid it of the tormenting thoughts Harry focused on the road as he listened to Louis mumble things to his Snake. "Louis?"


"Daddy and I love you very much."

"I know." Louis beamed sending Harry a reassuring grin, "You also know that no matter what we're always going to keep you safe. Right?" Harry added flipping his turn signal on, "I know Papa. Daddy 'old me." Louis remarked cutely kicking his feet restlessly, "Alright baby, just making sure."

Pulling into the office Harry composed himself before getting Louis out, carrying him in, Harry set Louis down as he approached the front desk; "Here for Malik. Louis Malik." the woman sent a nod typing her keyboard randomly, "Yessir, Louis Malik. She'll be with you in a few minutes." Harry nodded slowly pulling Louis to a chair, the boy climbing onto his lap snuggling into him. Rubbing circles on his back Louis had pulled up educational games on Harry's phone. His own phone was M.I.A, when in reality Zayn had taken it when Louis told him to "Fuck off." the hybrid didn't quite get the point of being grounded just yet.

"Louis Malik?" Amber White called opening her door for the boy to walk into as Harry followed. "Hi Louis, my name is Amber, and I'm just going to ask you a few questions today. Okay?"

" 'otay." Louis mumbled slipping from the chair to play with the toys sprawled out on the floor, "So Papa tells me you've been having dreams. What're they about?" Amber started crossing her legs, " 'deys about old daddy." Louis replied putting the blocks together, "Oh? What does old daddy do in these dreams?"

"He hit me."

"Hits you? Do you feel the pain when you wake up?"

"No, daddy always 'dere." Louis explained, Amber wrote a few things down before turning her glance to Harry, "What exactly happens when he wakes up?" The man cleared his throat as he adjusted his posture before answering, "Well, the first time it happened he woke up screaming. So Zayn and I thought he saw a bug or woke up without his toy. I tried to hold him, but he kept screaming until Zayn took him. Zayn was the one that rescued him, so I could you know understand the stronger bond per-say. But Louis has never screamed when one of us touched him. Not until he wakes up. It's like he knows I'm not Zayn and he thinks I'm Michael or something." Harry responded furrowing his eyebrows at the answer, "Have you ever had Fool's Lily poisoning?"

"Yeah, I did a year or two ago."

"Exactly what I thought. Mr.Malik Louis here is showing signs of Fool's Lily poisoning. My only concern is that you've had it, so typically with these cases the hybrids body will tear away from anyone who has had it. Mainly because they don't like how it affects their body, just like us. It's venom. Only it can cause flashbacks, easily bruising, and sometimes sickness. His sounds early and minor." Amber remarked, Harry's breath hitched, "So s-should I take him to the doctor?"

"I wouldn't worry about, he seems to be ridding himself of it in a way. If it's just the dreams, and just the scent of it on you, I think he'll be okay. However, if this does continue for another week then yes I would see a doctor and put him on the pill."

"Is there a way to get this, without being intentionally poisoned?" Harry asked pulling Louis to his lap, "For hybrids yes, they can actually have it trigged when they maybe see something from the past or when something traumatic happens. Personally I do see it more in younger hybrids because they are so easily scared and vulnerable." Amber replied flipping her hair, "Can hybrids sense depression?"

"Yes actually, they might be young and some are uneducated, but depression or anger can trigger the Fool's Lily venom that they produce to be leaked into the blood stream which automatically effects the mind for hybrids. So if you have him around depressed people, then there's your cause." Harry felt tears pool in his eyes, "But he's so happy."

"A hybrid can be happy, but their mind is totally different then their heart. Their brain only makes 50% of their decisions. The rest is made with their heart, like an animal. You know he sees you or his daddy and his heart makes him cuddle you. His heart makes him purr. Not the brain." Amber finished flashing a(n) assuring smile to Harry who gratefully accepted it, "Thank you. You've helped a lot."

"glad I could. Although next week I would like to see you and Zayn." Amber remarked as Harry glanced at her from the door, he saw two furry ears twitch, she sensed his depression.

Zayn hummed kissing up Harry's neck that night until he met his lips pressing them together, "Hi."

"Can we not have sex with our soon sleeping six inches away?" Harry smirked, "I just miss my ravishing piece of man." Zayn sighed, "Tomorrow. Anyway. Amber wants to see us both."


"Because she knew we're both depressed." Harry admitted, Zayn shot his glare to him, "Depressed? No Harry, it's called living. I'm not going to therapy, if you have problems tell me or Niall. Not some woman. It'snot their business. I'm still pissed you took Louis to one."

"Zayn it could help us."

"We don't need help. I'm not going, and neither are you. Things are perfect, don't go screwing it up." Zayn snarled to have Louis bolt awake with sobs, Zayn kept his cold face as he scooped Louis up shushing him. Harry sighed softly though he didn't argue as he laid down tears filling his eyes. " 'a-ant P-Papa." Louis sobbed, causing both parents to look at each other. When Harry took Louis the boy calmed quickly falling back asleep. Laying him down in his play-pen he joined Zayn on the bed, "H-he knows Zayn."

"Leave it be Harry, I'm not willing to fight with you."

*Uh-oh! Issues with the Malik's! Anyway tonight I will be premiering my book, Keeping Up With One Direction! Please check it out!!! ~Emma :)

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