Chapter 10

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     As Harry carried the last box into their "new" house. He wiped the forming sweat from his forehead. Niall sat in the dinning room in a chair cooing at Bailey, "Who's the baby? Look at the baby." He gushed in his infant voice, Bailey showed a gummy smile, not teething yet. "Don't give her nightmares Ni." Harry scolded playfully starting to unload the dishes from the boxes. "Say hush up Uncle Harry, hush up." Niall returned, his grin not fading. Harry smiled happily at the man loving how great with kids he always was. Zayn was always great as well. It was Liam and Harry who loved kids jus didn't spring up to hold the baby first. They could wait patiently, while Zayn would fight to hold the baby first. Louis soon came running in the room, Kyle following breathing heavily, "Damn that boy can run." He grumbled not caring about the curse word that slipped from his mouth, Niall pretended not to hear it. Louis giggled wrapping his arms around Harry stopping him from putting the stuff in the cabinet, "Why hello baby boy." Harry greeted leaning down for a kiss which Louis gave happily, "When daddy home?" he whined rubbing his face on Harry's shirt, furrowing his brow with a smile at his son, "Daddy will be back at lunch time, so he can put you down for a nap." Louis pouted, "No nap." Harry raised an eyebrow, "I'll let you fight that battle with daddy."
As Louis once again buried himself in Harry, "What're you doing?" Harry finally asked feeling Louis nibble as the side of his shirt, "He's marking you. I've marked Dad and Papa." Kyle replied, Harry smiled warmly. He now understood that Louis was rubbing his scent over Harry, "Why are you marking me baby?" 
"C-cause you my Papa." Louis replied staring into Harry's eyes with trusting oceanic ones. "Alright then baby. Niall do you mind putting Bailey down? I have to take a shower, and it wouldn't hurt going ahead and giving this one a shower as well." Harry mumbled the last part scooping Louis up stripping his shirt off him, "I don't mind at all. I think she likes me." Niall replied, Kyle sat beside his dad watching Bailey kick and giggle. "She's cute." Niall kissed the boys forehead, "What if Papa and I had another?" Kyle went wide eyed, "Ew no. I don't want one all the time." Niall chuckled laying Bailey down to have her start bawling, "You know, I don't think I do either." he added under his breath picking her back up.
Harry was undressing Louis and himself turning on the shower, "I take 'hour with Papa!" He sang, "It's called a SH-ower, and yes, yes you are baby." Harry corrected stepping in. Louis sat on the shelf part of the shower as Harry warmed the water to the perfect temperature. Louis had taken plenty of baths with Zayn on his days off, the two loving to play boats together. "Alright baby, stand up for me." Harry ordered using a Batman rag to wash Louis' body. When done Harry cleaned his,
"Yes baby?" Harry asked as he was getting shampoo on his hands, "W-why you l-love daddy?" Louis questioned as Harry washed his hair, "I love your daddy because he is a wonderful man. He's made mistakes and yet, he's still perfect." Louis smiled as he heard the love in Harry's smooth voice, "Daddy is pewfect." Louis copied, "why don't you tell him that." Harry suggested as he rinsed the boys hair turning off the water. Dressing Louis in a navy blue V-neck, with khaki shorts, Harry dressed himself in black skinny jeans with a light blue shirt. Both wore white converse, "sit down so Papa can brush your hair." Harry ordered softly grabbing a brush. Louis plopped down between Harry's legs as he combed the lad's hair, ignoring his whines for him to stop. When done Harry started brushing his own hair when Louis stopped him. Standing on the couch, he took the brush gently running it through Harry's. "Are you brushing Papa's hair?" Niall cooed as he walked in, Bailey was asleep in the kitchen, Louis' playpen as her make shift crib. "Yes." Louis mumbled as he continued, Harry allowed him too with a smile.

Soon Zayn strolled in, Liam following, Going to the living room he saw Louis helping Harry with his bun, "Weft 'dis piece out papa." Louis informed handing it to him, Harry thanked him tying it up quickly before setting Louis down on his lap, when they both noticed Zayn. "Daddy!" Louis exclaimed running to the man, Zayn swung him around, "Hey bubba!" Louis giggled curling into him, "He needs a nap, two hours at least. We'll be back after we drop Bailey off. Louis you take a nap, okay?" Harry remarked sternly, "otay." the boy pouted, "tell me bye baby. I will see you when you wake up." Louis whined reaching for Harry, "You be 'ere?"

"Yes I'll be here when you wake up. But I have to take Bailey home baby." Harry explained kissing him before leaving with Niall and Bailey. Louis sighed softly grinning at Zayn, "N-no nap daddy. We 'j-jus pway." zayn chuckled as he took the stairs with Louis, "Oh no we're not. Papa is not spanking me later because you didn't take a nap." Zayn smirked laying Louis down in their bed, putting pillows at his sides, slipping his pacifier in, "Goodnight. I love you baby."

"L-love you too daddy." 

Setting his keys down on the side table, Harry stalked into the kitchen taking a seat at the table waiting for Liam to spill be the beans about their case. "Well, the school board is meeting with us. They will give Louis a test, to see where he needs to be placed. See if he's even attacked anyone, which he hasn't. Then they will go from there." Liam explained, "Will they put him in hybrid school?"

Harry asked, "Most likely not, that's just because Zayn is a cop. However the school would probably offer an alternate solution."


"I'm honestly not sure, we'd just have to see." Liam replied with a frown. They all shared a silent nod as the time slipped by, five o'clock coming around as Zayn buckled Louis in his car seat. Arriving at the courthouse, everyone entered together, Niall with Liam, Zayn held Louis' hand as Harry held his other one. Kyle had stayed home alone being the loner that he is.

"Hi, I'm Paul Young, superintendent."

"Zayn Malik, Police Officer, and father of Louis Malik." Zayn growled unfriendly. "Uh... okay. We will just have Louis take this test and yea." Paul mumbled nervously, Harry led Louis to a table having him sit down with the test.

1) Write your name: Louie Wilam Maik

2) Can you count to ten successfully?, Harry looked at Louis, "Count to ten baby." "une, two, free, five, evan, ix, ine, ten." Louis did happily, Harry and Zayn shared a look as Harry circled the No option.

3) Do you know you're A B C's? "Can you sing you're A B C's?" Zayn this time asked, Louis did as told this time perfectly. He loved singing them, circling yes, they gave Louis the pencil once again to answer some other questions.

4) What is this shape? (triangle): tiange

5) What is this shape? (circle): cicle

6) How old are you? 18... "no you're not baby." Harry mumbled erasing it, Louis pouted that Harry had erased his work, "Yes am papa." Harry slapped his thigh warningly, "I believe I know your age, it's fifteen. One five." 15

7) How are your social skills?: Harry took the pencil for this one: He loves to talk, his speech has worsened from being out of school though he is a fast learner.

After all the questions were answered, Louis crawled onto Zayn's lap playing with his big hands that held his stomach. "We are willing to offer our Day Care services." Paul finally suggested. "He's not a baby." Harry pointed out, "It's not for babies. It's usually for kids like Louis, not hybrids per say but slow. Not to offend anyone, but he obviously doesn't have the intelligence of a typical fifteen year old." Paul clarified, "Will they be teaching him?"


"So it's just like school?" Zayn questioned, "Yes. They do however take naps, play, it's day care. Though Louis will most likely be the only hybrid. "Alright. We'll take that." Liam said rising. Zayn rose as well with Louis on his hip, "When does he start?" Harry asked, "He will started this Thursday. It's Monday through Friday nine to two thirty." Paul informed, "Will there be buses?" Harry pushed, "Unfortunately no. Due to funding. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, we'll have someone pick him up." Zayn rushed wanting to leave. He was tired, and Louis was starving so of course he was fussy.

It was settled, as Louis on the couch in-between Harry and Zayn watching Bugs Life, his life was perfect. The family shared a bowl of popcorn, of course it sat on Louis' lap though. Zayn glanced over at Harry who was just as tuned into the movie as Louis was, "Psst!" Zayn whispered, Harry shot his stare to Zayn, "I love you." Zayn mouthed, Harry smirked returning to the movie, Zayn went wide eyed, Harry left him hanging! Oh no he didn't. Reaching over to tug on a curl, Zayn smiled as Harry tried containing his chuckle, "Gosh, I love you too Zayn!" He exclaimed loudly, Louis giggled casting both his parents a look before resuming to being sucked into the movie. Zayn could only smile at his family. God they were perfect.

*LLOONNGg update! You guys deserve it though! Not much to say besides comment for the next one, Love you all!!! ~Emma : )   

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