Chapter 12

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"Wake up Lou Lou! You have school today!" Harry announced tickling the boy awake. Louis giggled loudly as Harry then carried him to the kitchen serving him breakfast. "Papa 'op!" Louis squealed as Harry peppered his face with kisses, "Where daddy?"

"your daddy already left for work baby. He'll be there after school to pick you up though." Harry replied switching Louis' shirt for a clean polo with baby blue shorts and white converse. "Eat up!" Harry ordered rubbing behind one of Louis' ears, "I 'ear beanie taday?"

"Nope you don't have to wear a beanie today." Harry assured as Louis gasped with joy, "Yah!" As Harry buckled him in his car seat Louis held onto the snake he had in the car giggling as he made it eat his hair, "Don't mess up your hair baby!" Harry warned, Louis huffed scowling out the window. Why couldn't he mess up his hair? Why couldn't he? It just made no sense to the hybrid. Getting Louis out, Harry walked with him into the daycare, the woman at the front desk not looking older the thirty, "Hi, may I help you?"

"Yes, this is Louis did the board contact you?"

"The hybrid? Y-yes. Yes they did, Hi Louis. My name is Mrs.Jessica, I'll be teaching you today. Okay?" Jessica asked grinning at the now bashful boy, "Y-ea." Louis mumbled holding onto Harry's leg, "Um, I'm new to d-a-y-c-a-r-e so I packed his diaper bag. He thinks it's school." Harry added as Jessica pulled a confused face as to why Harry spelled it. "Oh, well thank you. We actually ask that parents send a toy from home everyday, something that helps them sleep, and an extra set of clothes." Jessica informed, "Alright then. Well here ya go. Bye baby. Have a good day at school okay? I love you." Harry remarked leaving Louis to walk with Mrs.Jessica to the older children area. Louis plopped down instantly reaching for the blocks, "Everyone this is Louis. Why don't we all say hi?" Jessica suggested, "Hi Louis!" everyone called, Louis blushed madly ignoring the urge to run and started playing with the blocks. It was another teacher, Brittany, that kneeled down next to him smiling. "Hi Louis."


"Do you like blocks?"

"Y-yes, daddy always pways wif me." Louis replied watching her as she added a block to his tower, "Oh? That's cool Louis. However why don't we go read a book with the rest of the kids?" She suggested rising holding her hand out, Louis took in walking with her to the rug where she sat him down picking up a Dr.Suess book. "Cat in the hat." As she read, Louis slipped his thumb in his mouth listening intently when he felt his thumb being removed and cleaned, "That's a no no." Jessica from earlier piped up. Louis frowned when he remembered that his dummy was always in his bag, "I-I g-et b-bag." Louis whined turning to crawl towards Jessica, "No Louis the story is over there honey."

"C-can I g-et d-dummy?" Louis begged, "After lunch you can have it." Jessica soothed sitting Louis back down. The boy pouted through the rest of the story when he was walked to a table with food. Brittany was again beside him. She loved hybrids, thought they were the cutest thing in the world. She had worked here for eight years and Louis was the first hybrid to enter the doors. She couldn't contain her cooing. It was a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Louis slowly munched on it, not to fond of peanut butter. It made him thirsty. Really thirsty. Although after lunch Louis was given his pacifier and laid down on a matt to sleep. Which he did until Brittany woke him up again for math time.

Louis cried at first, until Jessica rocked him, "No need to cry honey." She soothed, Louis glanced around sniffling, he wanted his parents. When he was put down to work on his own he whimpered though concentrated on the math.





Louis felt more tears prick his eyes, he just didn't know. It was the alarming sound of the bells that shook Louis from his teary state to see familiar black hair. Louis gasped running to the front desk, "U-uncle 'ustin! Uncle 'unstin!" Justin handed Bailey over to Jessica picking Louis up, "My goodness, what happened baby?"

"I-I wanna go home! I 'ant daddy!" Louis cried, Justin sighed softly sitting down standing Louis in the V of his legs, "Why do you wanna go home sport?"

"N-no like."

"What don't you like?"


"Math?" Justin questioned, "Yes!" Louis agreed leading Justin to the table where he left the unethical math problems. "These are easy sport. Look, if I have two cookies, and you give me two more cookies how many would I have?"

"W-why I have no cookies?" Louis asked sadly, he loved cookies. "No baby, okay what if you had two, and I gave you two more? How many would you have?" Justin reworded, "I has four!" Louis cheered, "Good job sport!" Justin praised, helping him with the rest. Although he made sure to not take anything away from Louis when he worded his word problem. When Justin finally left, Louis had thirty minutes left to play with the other kids, though he kept to himself playing with some dolls he had found. Zayn walked in flashing a smile at the women scanning the place for Louis. Spotting him he grinned when he noticed what Louis was playing with, "Louis?" Zayn called heading towards him, Louis peered up at him, grinning, "hi's daddy."

"H-hi bubba. W-what're you playing with?"


"That's what I was afraid of. Put those down and come see me. We don't play with those, you're a boy." Zayn remarked adjusting Louis on his hip as he waved bye to the workers buckling Louis in, "why I no play wif dolls daddy?"

"Because dolls are for girls." Zayn replied driving Louis to the super market as they did a little grocery shopping. Louis sat in the baby part leaning on Zayn as he pushed. When Zayn stepped away Louis leaned over playing with his shoes managing to untie one. Zayn slapped the boys hands, "Quit untying your shoes bubba." Louis huffed grumpily rubbing his hands as Zayn retied them. "What's for dinner Lou?"

"I no know daddy, I's no cook." Louis replied playing a game on Zayn's phone, "How does rice and chicken sound?"


"Then what sounds good?" Zayn asked taking his phone back to call Harry, Louis whined tears pricking his eyes as he reached for it back, "It mine! 'ive back!" Zayn lightly popped Louis' mouth as a warning to stop yelling, "Hey babe, What're you feeling for dinner? Chicken and rice okay? Alright I'll see you at home. Love you too. Bye." Zayn handed Louis back the phone kissing the boys hair as he pushed it to checkout. Harry was going to pickup Nando's. He wanted to get something big for Louis' first day of school.

When the two arrived home, Louis went straight to playing, Zayn flopped on the couch watching football, Louis soon joining him. Harry arrived home placing the food on the table taking Louis' white shirt off him before he handed him his food letting him dig in. Afterwards Harry rocked with Louis on his lap, he was bathed and ready for bed, "How was your day at school?"


"That's good."

"I saw uncle 'unstin."

"It's uncle Justin baby. You have to learn to speak better."

"otay papa." Louis promised snuggling deeper into him, although Harry just smiled, maybe he didn't want him to speak better. After all he would always be there baby.

*This should make up for chapter 11 being so short. I love you all!!! Thank you for the commetns and love :) Unitl next time ~Emma :) Ps: Tomorrow is my brithday... Niall and I share one :)

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