Chapter 28

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What was owed, and what was expected?
Harry was expected to smile. He was alive, nothing short of a miracle; but alive. He had a little boy, something he's always wanted. He had Zayn. Too, something he's wanted. Wanted. Past tense.

Watching out the window, Harry stops the water wiping his hands on the dish towel. Louis is running in giggling, "Papa!" He squeals bouncing in Harry's awaiting arms, "Hello sweetheart," he coos kissing Louis' cheek. Zayn is behind Louis smiling softly, "Lou go play for a bit." He commands gently having Harry set him on the ground, "How do you feel?" Zayn asks once Louis is out of earshot, "I don't remember anything if that's your question."

"D-Do you have any questions?" Harry sighs shaking his head gently, "N-no."
"We're going to get through this." Zayn assures stepping closer, "Ya know I made plans with Niall, I-I'll uh, I'll be home later." Harry rushes gathering a coat he assumed was his leaving zayn to stand dejected. He just wasn't ready.

"Not that I don't enjoy your company, because I do, but what brought this on?" Niall asks pouring Harry a glass of wine. The two are sitting on Niall's back deck, Harry's knees to his chest, "I feel as though I owe it myself to figure out what happened to us."

"W-why'd we break up Niall? I-I I loved you,"
"Harry please-,"
"Niall, just tell me." Harry begs, "You know how people think that some things just happen for a reason?" Niall asks, "Yea, a blessing in disguise." Harry replied, "Exactly. Maybe losing your memory was one of those things." Niall admits tears pulling in his eyes, "Harry I love you too, that's why I'm not going to tell you." The man nods tears streaming down his own cheeks, "I just thought I should know why I'm in bed with a different guy."

"Because you love him more. I promise."

"I think I did too."

Zayn laughs tickling Louis stomach having the hybrid laugh loudly, "Daddy!" He gushes, "Louis!" He returns just as happy, "Daddy?"
"Yes Lou Lou?"
"You and Papa 'ogether 'foeva?"
"Yeah baby, we're together forever." Zayn assures tucking Louis in for the night with plenty of extra kisses and snuggles. Exiting to the kitchen, Zayn turns all the lights out, locking the doors as he sits with the photo album Harry had made when the two first got together. He was always such a sap about keeping memories and making things with colorful paper.

Flipping through the pages he laughs seeing the cringe worthy pictures Harry used to document their moments.
"Is this your version of fun?" Harry asks sheepilsy, zayn chuckles nodding, "Sometimes. I like looking at what it used to be like."
"Did something change? Other than the wreck?" Zayn resembles a deer in headlights, Harry sniffling as he takes his hand, "You don't have to tell me,"
"You have a right to know, it was your life." Harry sighs glancing at the photo album, "Maybe Niall was right," he whispers seeing the picture of himself on Zayn's lap the two grinning. They were both young, each holding a bottle of beer. "W-what did Niall say?" Zayn asks, "That this happened for a reason, a-and I'm thinking it might've." Harry remarks leaning down, their faces only centimeters apart before Zayn nods, "Me too." Crashing their lips together, Harry lets his fears fall for the second. He owes himself to move on from the past into the future. Zayn was his future

~~I hope no one died of shock when they see this update, I know it's been a while but I so caught up in different stories I abandoned what made me, me. This Story is my baby, all the ways I've twisted it and made it my own. The fans too are truly the best part of writing and updating. So thank you for those who have stayed and waited out the updates and continued to make me smile and laugh, and just have a good time. I was keeping this a secret, but you all deserve to know, this is a three part book series. This is the last chapter in this book: A Son's love. Like I've told you all before, keep your eyes open; and if any of you all have then this line may seem familiar. "A Family's Bond." That's the name of the final and last book where everything will be tied together in a beautiful little gift. Of course with twists and turns, can't just give you all a happy book who would I be?

So again, thank you all honesty. A father's heart is my most popular book thanks to you all, and I can only hope everyone who read it and this book will enjoy the third. God guys, it's feels like forever ago I was updating A father's heart. Not even knowing that Harry and Zayn would get a divorce, or that Robin would be a murder?! Like woah! So much has happened, and I have you all to thank for that.

I will wrap this up, Sorry this note is kinda long, if anyone is this far still reading it. Much much much! Love from me, um, and the third and Final book should be up very very soon. For the last time in this book:

~Emma :)

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