Chapter 2

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"Papa?" Louis called, his nightmare causing tears, however once he entered Harry's room he was met with a rich surprise: "I-I still love him Niall. More then ever. I miss him. I-I love him!" He cried, Louis hung his head. Something told him Harry was referring to Zayn. It was silence as Louis watched Harry wipe his eyes, "Papa?" Louis whispered, shooting his watery stare to the boy, Harry opened his arms. Louis was all he had left.
Zayn laid staring at a picture of Harry, him and Louis. Why couldn't he be happy. Harry cheated. Slept with another man. Why does Zayn feel bad? It's not his fault. Turning off the lamp Zayn turned over just to stare at the other side of the wall.
Harry held Louis in his bed stroking his hair. Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars played in his mind, He'll doesn't love Zayn, but he always will.

"Sit up baby." Harry ordered, "I no want pictures!" Louis grumped, "To bad. Perk those ears up." Harry ordered, Louis did as told sighing loudly to express his annoyance. Harry rolled his eyes snapping a photo for the before and after pictures. "Where we go?" Louis huffed, "To the salon. You're getting a hair cut." Harry replied, Louis' eyes widened, Cut?! As in cutting off his ears?! "N-no." Louis whined, Harry ignored it oblivious to his son's fears. "Daddy be 'dere too?" Louis asked, "No baby. I'm sure he has to work." 
"You no know 'dough."
"You're right. But I'm also not asking him." Harry remarked sternly dragging Louis to the car buckling him in. "Dummy?" Louis pleaded, Harry sighed handing him his pacifier. Driving them to the salon was where Louis finally broke sobbing his heart out in Harry's shoulder. "You are to old to be throwing a fit!" Harry chastised slapping his backside. Louis sniffled knowing Harry was right, his daddy would want him to be brave. Besides, if they cut off his ears he wouldn't have to wear beanies anymore. Some good in bad right? Sitting in the chair the stylist- Angela -began by standing his ears up. Harry took a picture sending it to all his contacts: Lou getting his first hair cut! 

Zayn laughed as Michael and him were talking about a regular 'criminal', when his phone buzzed. "Lou getting his first hair cut!" Zayn went wide eyed. Why wasn't he there?! Did Harry not think he was good enough? Getting in his car, Zayn sped to the salon knowing which one Harry went too. "Harry!" Zayn snapped, Harry glanced up from talking to Angela, "Daddy!" Louis squealed, "Hi baby. Why didn't you think to call me?!" Zayn shot, Harry felt himself frown, "Really? I'm sorry Zayn, here let me call my mother too. I mean Louis getting his hair cut it extremely life stopping. I warn everyone in here my son is getting his hair cut. I repeat my son is getting ha-" Zayn's look stopped Harry cold, "Yeah real funny, you'd be fuming however if this was the opposite way. And you know it Harold."
"Maybe we could be mature and use each other's real names, like Harry." Harry muttered, Zayn rolled his eyes, "You should've called me."
"My mistake."
"Not your only one." Zayn snarled, he felt furious. Yesterday with Harry was absolutely perfect, why does he have a be a dick and mess it up?!

As the haircut resumed, Zayn and Harry had moved to the lobby. Neither talking until Zayn pulls out his phone his lock screen on show, "T-that's a great picture." Harry mumbled, "Thanks. I would send it to you but I'm sure you have thousands." Zayn shot, Harry couldn't help but chuckle, Zayn was always a pouter. It was Harry's laugh that brought back memories.

"Zayn stop!" Harry giggled, the shorter man did as told backing away his hands in surrender. "As you wish." He joked, Harry sighed leaning in crashing their lips together. "You are my wish."
"Why waste a good wish?"
"Fine. I wish I..." Harry started grinning as Zayn listened with anticipation, "I wish, I'll always be with you." Zayn sighed happily, "Great minds think alike." Harry pulled him closer kissing him again, "Fools never differ."

Tears burned his eyes for the first time in front of Harry, as he thought about the past. "Fools never differ." They did though. Harry had went his way as Zayn did his. Louis soon ran in ears straight up, hair looking much better now that is was trimmed. "Daddy! You come see Louis get hair cut?!" The boy shrieked, "Yes I did baby. No thanks to your papa." Zayn mumbled the last part, Harry sent daggers. Louis unaware cuddled into Zayn happy his daddy was there. Even happier Angela didn't cut off his ears.
"He thought I was going to cut his ears off." Angela giggled to Harry who was paying, "Louis? I would never take you somewhere to cut off your beautiful ears baby." Harry reminded the boy who bashfully laid on Zayn, "Papa you no know 'dough." Louis repeated. Harry rolled his eyes at the boy before grabbing his hand, it had become Louis' new line. Though he didn't use it quite right, he was fond of telling someone if they truly didn't know. Especially Harry. Must be something he picked up from Zayn Harry rudely thought.
"How about some dinner?" Harry suggested, Louis grabbed onto Zayn's hand as well, "Daddy come too?" Harry looked to Zayn, "Y-yeah. I-I'll go. How about Pizza?" Zayn offered, "Only if you're paying." Harry challenged, "Like always. My treat." The two men smiled towards each other, Harry always made Zayn pay. It had become a thing the two would joke about, Harry would pay bills, go grocery shopping, if Zayn would be the gentleman and pay for dinner. "I no see funny." Louis admitted not understanding the almost laugh his parents shared, "Don't worry about it baby. Papa's just being silly." Zayn explained, Harry nodded, "Sure, blame it all on me." Zayn shrugged, "Planning on it." This is what Harry missed. The sassy Zayn who always had something to say. No one really knew why Zayn had turned to drugs, or had even became depressed. Only Zayn. Harry had this thoughts but nothing would make enough sense for someone so happy to turn into a monster.

"Stay where we can see you." Harry reminded, sending Louis to go play with a pat to his backside. The boy ran off to the play house they had in the pizza place. Families had filled the restaurant, while Harry sat with Zayn bits of conversation trying to be said.
"So, how have you been?" Harry started, "I-I, ha, I'm well. How about you?" Zayn replied, Harry shrugged, both sharing a breathless chuckle. "Why did you and Oliver breakup?" Harry couldn't help ask. He had looked Oliver up on Facebook not being able to control himself, and the guy wasn't bad looking. Zayn blushed slightly, "I-I uh, we just didn't have... we didn't have it." Harry found the question inappropriate, why did he have to ask. Though he couldn't help but think: He didn't have what we had. Was Zayn's real answer. Harry thought that as well.
"Why haven't you moved on?" Zayn returned, if Harry got to be nosy, then so did he. "I um, I... ya know. I-I... I um." Harry stuttered feeling himself get redder by the second. "Just haven't found anyone?" Zayn offered, Oh I found some, we're just divorced;  Harry thought to himself. "Yea." Should he say he didn't want the divorce? Did Zayn just want to be friends? They could be married and be friends. Why did they need a damn divorce?! Harry groaned at his conflict buzzing in his head. Why couldn't life be simple?

"So if you don't mind I'd like to take Louis up to see my parents." Zayn announced, "Oh? Yeah of course. He loves them." Harry replied, "How's Anne?"
"Stubborn old hag."
"Robin?" Zayn added, "Jail, same as Hayden. Sean's staying with mum, Bailey's adorable though. She's beginning to teeth." Harry informed a small smile on his lips, "Good. I'm glad everything's okay." Zayn beamed, "Have you talked to Niall and Liam lately?" Harry questioned, "No. Not sense, you know we filed a divorce and everything." Zayn answered feeling guilty. Liam was his best mate, he just didn't want to drag him down. "Zayn why haven't you spoken to them? It's killing Liam!" Harry chastised, "We're not in a relationship anymore Harry! You don't get to talk down to me." Zayn growled, "Y-you're right. I-I'm sorry." Harry apologized, Zayn calmed knowing Harry was right.

The day ended as Zayn carried a tired Louis to Harry's car. Buckling him in they kissed each other's cheek, "Bye bubba."
"Bye daddy." Rising, he met Harry's searching green eyes. Always breath taking. "Goodbye Harry." Zayn said his eyes resembling a free ocean. Not the colour but the waves. Calm. "Goodbye Zayn." Harry returned, as they got in separate cars. starting them, both drove off different directions. Both of them smiling as they glanced in the rear view mirror.

"Dad?" Kyle called as he sleepily shuffled into the living room, Niall had pulled another late shift. "Yeah?" Liam hummed turning from the telly as Kyle sat beside him on the couch, "Can we talk?"
"Always." Liam smiled, "Good. I-I uh, I'm supposed to do a report about my family. Why did you and uncle Zayn break up?" Kyle finally asked, Liam frowned at the question inhaling deeply.
"Kyle love... it makes you do dumb things. Lust makes you do dumb things as well. It just takes a special person to help you decided which one is worth it."
"Zayn wasn't that person?"
"Not all the time he wasn't. I love Zayn, always will. But I love Niall more, and I'm willing to do every dumb thing in the world for him." Liam finished tears burning his eyes. "Why else dad?"
"I knew he loved Harry." Liam mumbled. It was the day before their wedding when Niall was sobbing because Harry had cheated on him, little did Liam know it was with Zayn. When Zayn looked at Harry at the wedding, Liam knew it was wrong.

"I-I don't. I'm not going to drag you into a marriage you don't want." Liam sadly remarked tears running down his cheeks, "Liam I love you!" Zayn argued, "I love you too Zaynie. But you love Harry more. And that's okay." Liam promised, Zayn could only smile lightly pulling Liam into a hug, he had never met someone with as big as heart as Liam. Whoever got him would be lucky. Niall clapped sniffling, he'd had a crush on Liam for months, was this his chance?

"Wow dad. T-thanks for telling me." Kyle beamed kissing Liam's cheek, "You're welcome bud." Liam said wiping his eyes as Kyle left leaving Liam to chew his bottom lip. "You love Harry more." Fishing his phone out Liam opened Zayn's contact, "This is Zayn, sorry I couldn't answer right now, I'll get back to you."
"H-hi Zaynie. You love Harry more, and that's okay." Liam remarked hanging up. Niall then walked in seeing Liam crying on the couch, "Sad LMN movie?" Niall questioned, "No. I-I just love you." Liam replied smiling through the tears, Niall cooed opening his arms for his baby of a soon-to-be-husband. Liam cried on Niall's shoulder, "I miss him Ni."
"I know babe."
"He loves Harry." Liam reminded, Niall couldn't help pull Liam out to stare into his soft brown eyes, "And that's okay." kissing, the couple moved to the bedroom cuddling in bed. Niall the bigger spoon of course.

*How's that? Good? Please leave comments! Please oh pretty please! Love you all! until next time ~Emma :)

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