Chapter 16

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Their grins should've brought one to Harry's. However they didn't. Instead he had to force one when Louis ran over holding his arms up indicating that he wanted to be picked up, Harry obliged watching Zayn stalk over with a devious smirk, "Where's my lion? Oh Lion!" He sang, Louis giggled snuggling into Harry as if he was hidden, "Have you seen my Lion? Nana and Poppy want to give him a cookie." Zayn questioned smirking when Louis popped up at the announcement of a cookie, "I's here!" He called hurriedly getting down to run into Zayn's arms. "I think someone wants a cookie." Harry joked trying to get a laugh from himself. Nothing came however. Harry just wasn't happy.
Trisha wiped her hands tiredly on her apron as Louis sat on the kitchen floor loudly playing with his toys. "Thank you again for watching him mum." Zayn gushed kissing her cheek, "Of course love. Now get out of here!" She hurried, Louis glanced up, "Alright bubba, Daddy and Papa will be back okay?" Zayn reminded, "Why's I no go?"
"This is something for me and Papa."
"Is 'ate?"
"Yes its a date baby." Zayn chuckled, "Kyle go on 'ate. I's no go." Louis pouted, "Nope, you didn't go. Okay bubba, I love you. See you in the morning." Zayn once again mumbled kissed the boys lips as he departed to the living room where Harry stood staring at the telly his expression blank, "Are you ready?"
The pair sat in the car, Zayn driving, Chasing Cars playing quietly on the radio. "So, what're the plans for tonight?" Harry asked, "It's a surprise." Zayn replied smirking, "You know I hate them." Harry reminded, "Doesn't everyone?" Zayn chuckled, as he parallel parked on the curb. Getting out he ran over opening Harry's door for him, "My love." Zayn hummed holding his hand out, "Stop making a fool out of yourself." Harry chuckled taking his hand as he rose the two walking on the sidewalk, hands intertwined together. "I've been thinking, and sometimes we do have to go back to the past." Zayn remarked as they turned down another street, "Like when my boyfriend drove the ten hours to come see me in his beat up Honda. Showing up at my parents door at two-"
"At two in the morning soaking wet." Harry finished for him, "It's a good thing I was thirsty." Zayn purred, Harry turning to mush at the raspy comment, "Anyway, like saying, I felt like we needed a night for the two of us like when we were young and dumb. So I rented us the first room we ever stayed in." Zayn finished as he brought Harry in front of the old hotel they had sex for the first time in. "But that's for after dinner." Zayn added as they continued to a nice Italian restaurant. Pulling his chair out for him, Harry rolled his eyes fondly as he sat down. "I love you." Zayn hummed leaning in, Harry leaned in as well as the two kissed for a second, although the electric feel didn't hit Harry.
"Is something wrong?" Zayn asked when he noticed his husbands strange looks. "I-I just feel... I'm just tired." Harry lied giving a reassuring smile, "Now I'm supposed to give the whole 'take a nap'? Hmm? Do you think I'm that stupid? I love you Harry. Now what's wrong?"
"Nothing Zayn. Drop it so we can enjoy our night." Harry growled, "I'm not going to if I know you're sad." Zayn mumbled, "Oh whatever Zayn. I enjoyed plenty nights while you were beside me drunker then Robin at a bar." Harry snapped, "Why were you enjoying that?"
"Because then I wouldn't have to deal with you." Harry snarled not bothering to filter the lies that poured from his mouth. Zayn gasped at the remark, "H-Harry..."
"What Zayn? Do you want another fight so I can look like the bad guy and go have sex with another man? Is that what you want?"
"No. I just wanted a damn night. One damn night where I could tell you how much I loved you Harry. Fuck you Harold." Zayn growled springing up to run from the restaurant. Running outside blind with rage it had started to rain when Zayn stormed into the street not paying attention. Harry ran out grabbing his bicep pulling Zayn from a speeding cars path their eyes meeting when both were safe on the sidewalk. "You never watch where you're going." Harry scolded, Zayn stared at the man, "All I wanted was a night, 'ya know."
"I know." Harry mumbled hanging his head, Zayn inhaled lightly, "I don't think we don't love each other anymore."
"I don't either." Harry assured, "Then what do we do?" Zayn asked tears threatening to pour, "Ignore the impulse to kill each other and instead live like the happy couple were supposed to be." Harry replied feeling a stone feeling enveloping him, little did he know that Zayn was already a pro at playing the part. "I'll do it if you will." Zayn beckoned bringing a cigarette to his lips shielding it from the sprinkling rain, "Deal. I love you Zayn."
"I love you too Harry."

The sex was scripted. Every move, every love bite, everything. Planned. It was like an operation. Quick in and out. When the couple laid in bed that night, Harry rested on Zayn's chest snoring while Zayn laid awake stroking the knotted locks of Harry's curls. How long could he play the part? The depression that had captured them both had started to eat at their relationship. "I love you Harry, whether you believe it or not. I do. I don't just want you, I need you. And if you need me to pretend for a bit, then I will. I promise."
"T-thank you." Harry whispered into the dark after Zayn's promise.

"We plays caws and we pway wif lion... It 'as fun daddy." Louis rambled about his fun night with Poppy as he ate his breakfast the next morning. Zayn smiled listening intently to his son, "I'm glad it was fun baby."
"You 'ave fun?"
"Yeah, me and Papa had fun." Zayn assured grimacing at the black coffee he forced down, "Good morning baby, morning babe." Harry greeted as he entered the room taking his seat at the table bringing Zayn's bread he hadn't touched to his mouth his eyes showing no sign of difference. He was already good at playing the part. The part being that he was the happy thirty one year old with an amazing husband, and cutest little son.

"You had said it wouldn't be a lie you're willing to live."

"It's not a lie anymore. We are a family." Zayn reminded as he helped clean up the living room with Harry, his parents had went to bed, Louis occupied himself with attempting to brush his own hair without hurting his ears. "I know we're a family, but we don's act like one." Harry admitted, "How do we not?" Zayn asked, "We just seem dysfunctional, I mean when was the last time we had a normal family dinner?" Harry grumbled, "We have them all the time, and no one family is perfect. Now, like said, we are happy, together, and a family. I love you." Zayn remarked laying a hand on Harry's chest, "I love you too." Louis glanced at his parents with innocent eyes, "Sad?"

"No one is sad baby. Sad isn't in the script." Harry assured.

*Hey!!! Hey-yo! Hi everyone! miss me? Alright I'll explain: The part is the family they need to be for Louis' sake. They both love each other, but both are in a weird place at the moment. I've been foreshadowing that with Harry's thoughts and his dialouge. Go back and read and you'll catch on. I'm always hiding stuff in my stories, with me you really have to read between the lines :) ~Emma :)

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