The Incident

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A month has passed and I was really beginning to like roller skating, not that I would tell Mom that. I would roller skate at least once, or twice a day. I don't know what it is, but when I skate there's just something that calms me, that makes me feel like... I'm flying.

Today I decided to get up early, and go roller skating. I got up brushed my teeth, took a shower, then threw on some shorts, a t-shirt, and some jogging shoes. After putting my mud brown hair into a messy bun, I headed downstairs where mom was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Mom." I said when I came into the kitchen, kissing her on the cheek.

"Well you're in a good mood this morning." Mom said, turning around to study me.

I shrugged. "I was just thinking on going outside to roller skate this morning, if thats okay with you?" I ask, trying to act as neutral as possible.

"Of course. How do you like skating so far?" She asked, giving me a plate of eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

"Oh. I mean... I'm not complaining." I told her and started eating.

"Oh, that's good. Well, I have to run to the grocery store in a little while. Do you mind helping watch Jace and Christina until I come back?" She asked.

"No, not at all. I can watch them when I get back from skating." I told her.

She nodded "Thanks, sweetie." She said, and kissing my temple before heading into the living room.

Once I was done eating I ran upstairs, grabbed my skates, and ran outside.

After I finally got my skates on, I raced down the sidewalk. I FINALLY mastered how to balance a few weeks ago, now I'm working on speed. There was a corner coming up and I tried to slow down so I could turn.

I frowned, trying again my eyes widening. I couldn't stop. I COULDN'T STOP!

I reached out and tried to grasp onto one of the gates that I was flying past but missed, causing me to tip forward. I instinctively put my hand and knees out in front of me, skidding down the sidewalk.

When I finally came to a stop tears had already welled up in my eyes, and were pouring down my face as I examine the injuries. Although blood was gushing out of my hands and knees, you could undeniably see that there was glass present in the wounds.

I ripped the skates from my feet. Wincing from the wound on my hands making contact, I ran home barefoot and crying.

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