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I lay there in my bed breathing hard and slow trying to get rid of my hiccups. I've been laughing and hiccuping for thirty minutes straight.

Thoughts rushing through my head one by one, but they don't last long because then another thought comes and demands attention.


Would Mom really make me roller skate?

What if I fall and get hurt?

What did my sister do to get chased by a squirrel?

Maybe it would be good for me to get out of the house.

Nah. If its good for me or not is besides the point. I just don't want to do it.

Can she really make me do it?

I really need to go shopping.

Did anyone buy that puppy that was downtown in the Petsmart window?

I could probably ask Mom if I can get a pet.

What happened to that frog that I saw when we went camping last year?, Did a fish eat it?

OMG. Grandma makes the best fish evah. I have to remind her to bring some with her on her next visit.

I wants some Ice Cream.

I wonder what flavored Ice Cream do most people averagely crave when they think of Ice Cream.

I bet it would be milkshakes.


See what I mean. My mind is never on the same thing after a few seconds. Thats just how my mind works.

Special? I know.

Anywho. Back to the nightmare that is my life. Mom left to go pick up some roller skates an hour ago. I can tell she's really excited about me roller skating.

I heard my door crack open, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I sat up. My little brother, Jace, walks into my room and walks right past me to my dresser. It was as if I wasn't even there. I watched him walk to my dresser and starts shuffling stuff... Like he's looking for something.

I wait for a few seconds. Just watching.

"Umm... WHAT do you think you're doing?!" I said loudly

Jace just about jumped 3 feet in the air then looked around. After a few seconds his eyes landed on me. He gulped. His eyes widening.

" W-What are you doing here?" He asked nervously.

"Um, I don't know. This is sooo not my room." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

He frowned, and started towards the door with something in his hand, but I stopped him.

"Um, WHERE do you think you're going?!" I ask, agitated.

He stopped and stayed still for a few seconds, then he slowly turned around.

"D-Downstairs." He stuttered trying to appear calm and neutral. I studied him, and tried not to laugh when I noticed that he stopped breathing.

I know its wrong, but I was sooo enjoying this. Gosh. That is such an understatement, let me rephrase that. It was a laughing stock inside of my head right now. Watching him struggle was paradise.

I squinted. My eyes narrowing suspiciously. "What's in your hand?" I asked slowly. Carefully searching his face, then looking closely at his hand trying to figure out what it was. It looked like.... I gasped.

Jace' face went from shock to panic in two seconds. He dashed out of my room.

" GET BACK HERE, YOU TWERP!!" I yelled after him while jumping of my bed and running after him.

What is he up to? I thought. Tackling and landing on top of him.

He whimpered. I sat up still straddling his back so he couldn't get away. I pried his hand open just enough so that I could see what was in it.

My phone. It was unlocked.

How did he get it unlocked? I caught a glimpse of what was on the screen. It was my call log, with a number that I didn't know.

"Who were you calling on my phone?!" I asked. Getting off of his back, I tried to snatch my phone away in the process, but failed miserably.

"Uhhh..." He said. Then just as quickly he got up and ran towards his room. I ran after him.

I almost caught him before he made it into his room and locked his door, but then I accidentally stepped on a Lego block.

" AHGGG" Screaming out in pain. I fell down cradling my injured foot. I winced. Stupid Lego! I thought to myself.

I started massaging the place where my foot landed on the Lego.

When the pain finally eased down enough to walk, or rather limp, I made my way towards Jace' room. Carefully, I stepped around the remaining Lego's that hadn't already sunken into my foot.

I banged on his door.

"COME OUT HERE WITH MY PHONE, YOU THIEVING TURD!'', I yelled through the door. Then I heard ringing coming from inside the room.

When no one answered I let out a frustrated scream. Stomping my way into my room, I flopped onto my bed. I was too tired to fight with him today.

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