Chapter 2: I am NOT a cow

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"What the bloody hell?" He mumbles his eyes still glued to me. he walks closer moving the boxes.

"Get away" I tell him my voice wavering.

"Don't worry love I'm not going to hurt ya" He promises. It sounds like he means it.

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?" I ask.

"I'll answer that soon how about we get out of the box ok?" He moves closer and I automatically into a ball keeping myself close. 

"OY! Newt whats taking so long?!" The leader yells.  down.

"It's a girl! A bloody girl!" He yells back. 

"A girl?!"

"I call dibs!"

"Why a girl?"

"She's mine!"

All the voices strike fear into me.

"Gally send the rope down!" Newt yells. The rope falls down.  "Come out love. I won't hurt you just going to get you out of the box."

I slowly stand up keeping one hand on my head. 

He gasps. I raise my eyebrows. "What's the matter?"

"Er. Nothing I'll tell you later."

"Ok..." I put one foot into the loop in the rope and I'm pulled up. As soon as I'm up the hands start.

My head, hair, arms, legs everywhere. I scream. 

"ENOUGH!! LET THE SHE-BEAN GO!" The leader yells the hands stop. I curl into a ball keeping myself safe. Newt runs over.

"Are you alright?" HE asks.

"I-I'm fine" I tell him.

"If anyone touches her I'll shove your arse down the clif myself!" Newt yells. A boy touches my arm.

"I touched her" He smirks. 

"I really didn't want to do this" Newt sighs then punches the boy in his jaw.

He yelps. "What the shuck was that for?!" 

"I told you not to touch the she-bean!"

"ok, ok, ok!" He backs away clutching his jaw.

Newt kneels back down to me. "You need to see a med-jack. Come on" 

I stand up slowly and Newt leads me away.

I giggle. "I- I got a bloody head!"

"Huh?" Newt asks.

"You say bloody a lot... Now I got a bloody head!" I tell him almost tripping.

"Ok love. May I carry you to Jeff?" He asks.

"Ok" Newt scoops me up bridle style and carries me to a run down wooden building.

"Jeff!" He yells.

"What?!" A voice yells a boy with dark buzzcut hair and chocolate brown skin walks out. "It's a girl!"

"No. I'm the Grinch who stole Christmas!" I giggle.

"Ok... Come over let me check that cut"

"Ok." Newt plops me down on the bed.

"Well we need to check you head and your... Stomach...." He looks down. I look down as well just realizing the huge bump.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Does she really not know?" Newt asks Jeff.

"I'm sure she does she's just in shock." Jeff says walking over and grabbing a box of stiches. 

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