RenleyxLoras/angst Pt. 1

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A/N: I don't usually do this, but I really wanted to get this posted, so there is gonna be a part two to this chapter.

"You swear it?" Renley asked. He didn't truly believe that Cat or Robb would attempt to betray him, but one could never be too certain. 

"By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne," Lady Catelyn Stark replied. 

He lifted his goblet, and drank to give himself a second more to consider. "Then I see no reason for hostility between us," he settled on saying. "Your son can go on calling himself King in the North. The Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty." 

"And the wording of this oath?" Catelyn asked. 

"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert eighteen years ago." Seeing her hesitation, he added, "Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together."

She hesitated for a moment longer, before asking again, "And in return for my sons loyalty?"

He smirked, though in reality he wasn't feeling particularly mirthful. "In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army. When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together. As they have done many times before." He stood up and walked over to the mirror, where Brienne began helping him remove his armour. 

"Our two houses have always been close," Catelyn said from behind him, "which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother-"

"Negotiate with Stannis?" Renley laughed. "You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind." Brienne finished removing his breastplate, and he turned towards Catelyn. "Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies. I hope he feels the same. Together, we could end this war in a fortnight. "

At that moment a shadow appeared behind him. He tried to side-step, but agony ripped through him, as something tore through his shoulder. He dimly registered strong arms wrapping around him. Screams. The hard floor beneath him. When had he fallen? More screams, armour clashing, swords being drawn. Were there more people than before? He struggled to see, or rather, to comprehend. There was a voice. Loras. 

Pain ripped trough his shoulder again. There was a scream. It took him a moment to realise it had been his own. 

Everything was moving. No, he was moving. Being moved. What was happening?

Someone was screaming. Not him this time, someone else. Someone he knew. Someone important. What were they saying? Were they angry, hurt, or merely far away?

It was quiet now. No more screams. Or, no, they were still there, but no longer close by. Another voice. Margaery. What was she saying? When had they come so far away? Where were they?

When he came to, the first thing he noticed was the jostling. When he finally managed to peel his eyes open, he found that he was bound on a horse's saddle. Someone was sitting behind him.  There was another horse with two people on it in front of him. One of them was Ser Robar Royce, a knight of his kingsguard. Before him sat a limp figure, bound the same way as Renly, and being supported by Ser Robar's arms. 

With a start, he realised the limp figure was Loras. 

He instantly regretted moving. He couldn't help the groan that escaped him. 

"My Lord?" A voice asked behind him. Someone he knew... Brienne. 

"Where are we?" he groaned. 

"On the King's Road, my Lord, heading north," Brienne replied.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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