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In the  ballroom adorned with sparkling flowers and vibrant hues of silk, I found myself amidst a whirlwind of unfamiliar faces

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In the ballroom adorned with sparkling flowers and vibrant hues of silk, I found myself amidst a whirlwind of unfamiliar faces. As a newlywed to the formidable mafia twins, Ansh and Rudra, I navigated this unfamiliar tension with a mixture of nervousness .

Mafia leaders from far and wide extended their congratulations, their words laced with respect and a hint of apprehension.
As I mingled among the guests, offering pleasantries and receiving blessings, I couldn't help but notice the intense gazes of Ansh and Rudra upon me. Their mother, Priyanka, a woman of enigmatic beauty and undeniable authority, approached me with a gentle smile. 'God bless you, beta,' she said, her words carrying the warmth of a mother's embrace. 'Welcome to our family.'

I knew their father had passed away, and that the leadership would soon fall upon Ansh and Rudra's shoulders. The weight of their inheritance bore down on me, but I was determined to embrace my destiny.
In that moment, I realized that this was not just a marriage but a momentous event that would forever alter the course of my life. After the wedding festivities, Ansh and Rudra's cousin, Riya, and her brother, Dhruv, introduced themselves. Dhruv's playful remark, 'You are beautiful. Our brothers head over hill for you,' sent a shiver down my spine. I caught Ansh and Rudra's eyes lingering on me, their expressions unreadable. I had always been admired for my looks, but with Ansh and Rudra, it felt like something more.

As the evening drew to a close, I said my goodbyes to my family members. My mother pulled me aside and whispered, 'Always obey your husbands' words if you want to lead a peaceful life.' I nodded, my heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. I knew the rules of the mafia world. As a mafia princess, my duty was to submit to my husbands and support their ambitions.

With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to my family and
We left the talwar mansion in a sleek black Scorpio, Ansh and Rudra flanking me in the back seat. As we sped down the winding road in the massive black Scorpio, I couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and anticipation. I sat in the backseat between my two newlywed mafia husbands, Ansh and Rudra.

Rudra, the elder twin, gazed impassively out the window, while Ansh scrolled through his phone, his expression unreadable. The silence between us was deafening. I didn't know what to say or how to act. Were they expecting me to be afraid?

Suddenly, Ansh's hand reached over and gently caressed my cheek. 'Are you okay?' he asked, his voice soft. 'Are you frightened of us?'

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. They were monsters, I had been told. Ruthless criminals who would not hesitate to shed blood. But as I looked into Ansh's eyes, I saw something unexpected-a flicker of vulnerability.

'I don't know,' I whispered.

A faint smile crossed Ansh's lips. 'Don't be afraid,' he said, his voice low and soothing. 'We will never do anything you don't want us to. We will always protect you.'

His words ignited a warmth within me, a sense of strange comfort. I blushed like a schoolgirl, and Ansh chuckled softly.

'Look,' he said, 'I know we're not what you expected. We're monsters, but we're monsters for other people, not for you. We will treat you with respect.'

I nodded slowly, my heart aching slightly. He had never mentioned love. Did these twins even have the capacity to love? Could we ever find happiness in this arranged Marriage
Upon entering their abode, I was met with a grandeur that rivaled our own. The mansion exuded an air of opulence and power, its dark hues and intricate designs creating an atmosphere that was both intimidating and alluring. Rudra's voice, harsh and commanding, broke the silence.

'This mansion is home to Ansh and me. Now, it is your home as well.'

Ansh's voice, in contrast, was gentle and soothing. 'Go and change, my love.'

I took my nightdress to the opulent bathroom, selecting a crimson lingerie that evoked both passion and defiance. Red, my favorite color, gave me a sense of courage that I desperately needed.. As I slipped it on, I mentally prepared myself for the impending wedding night. Though I had heard tales of such nights, I had never experienced one firsthand. I hope it will go well

Emerging from the bathroom,

I found Ansh and Rudra engaged in hushed conversation

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I found Ansh and Rudra engaged in hushed conversation. Their gazes fell upon me, and a flicker of surprise crossed their faces.

'Are you ready, Naina?' Rudra asked, his voice a low growl.

My heart pounded in my chest. 'Yes,' I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Ansh and Rudra exchanged a knowing glance. 'Let us begin,' Rudra said, his tone both seductive and menacing.

As they led me to their bedroom, I couldn't help but notice its stark decor. Black and gray dominated the space, creating an atmosphere of both elegance and intimidation.

'Go to bed, Naina,' Ansh instructed.

I obeyed, my body trembling with anticipation and trepidation. As Ansh and Rudra approached me, their eyes burned with an intensity that both frightened and aroused me.

And so, the wedding night began. A night that would forever alter the course of my life, a night that would test my limits and push me to the brink of ecstasy and despair.

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Actually I am very sick right now
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Hello everyone How are you guys Sorry for late update Actually I am very sick right now But writing gives me peaceSo I write this chapter Please follow me , comment and share also vote this chapter Thank you for reading This Please follow me on ig...

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I found myself entangled in a forbidden embrace with my mafia husband, Ansh. His lips moved feverishly against mine, igniting a fire within me.

But as our passion reached its peak, a cold sensation sent shivers down my spine. I felt a tongue caress my breast, sending a surge of shock and arousal through my body. I tore my gaze from Ansh's and looked down.

To my astonishment, it was Rudra, my other husband, who was licking me. His eyes burned with a primal desire that matched Ansh's. I had married both men

As Rudra's tongue explored the curves of my body, Ansh's grip tightened on my waist .I couldn't deny the thrill of having both men consume me.

The twisted fate~a journey of love 18+( Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now