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Rudra pov

In the hallowed halls of the church, beneath the ethereal glow of stained glass windows, I, Rudra Singh, stood alongside my twin brother, Ansh. We were not mere groomsmen, but mafia leaders, bound by blood and a shared destiny.

Our gazes were fixed on the aisle, waiting for the arrival of our bride-the woman who would unite our families, a strategic alliance that would strengthen our empire. As the doors creaked open, and she emerged, my heart skipped a beat.

It was Naina Talwar, daughter of our bitter rivals. Her beauty was undeniable, a radiant mix of innocence and allure. Her ivory gown clung to her curves, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her porcelain skin.

In that moment, as she made her way towards us, I felt an unexpected stirring within me. I had never allowed myself to indulge in such emotions, but something about Naina was different. A background check had revealed her to be a pure soul, a teacher in a school, untouched by the darkness that permeated our world.

As the priest pronounced her our wife, I leaned forward to kiss her. Her lips were soft as petals, a stark contrast to the hardened exterior I had built around myself. It was the first time I had ever kissed anyone, and a strange sense of warmth and longing washed over me.

Naina's eyes met mine, and in that instant, I saw a reflection of my own lost innocence. It was as if fate had played a cruel trick on us, uniting us through a marriage born of rivalry. And yet, as I held her in my arms, I couldn't shake the feeling that this might not be a curse, but a blessing in disguise.after sometime Dhruv, our cousin dared to flirt with her, a surge of jealousy coursed through my veins. I couldn't bear the thought of anyone else laying eyes on her.
When we sat together in the sleek Scorpio, driving back to our opulent mansion, I could sense Naina's nervousness. Her hands trembled slightly, and her eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings. I longed to reach out and comfort her, but Ansh, my ever-observant brother, spoke first don't worry, Naina,' he said, his voice soothing. 'We're here for you. You're part of our family now.'

Naina's eyes softened as she turned to Ansh, a flicker of gratitude crossing her face. I watched in silence, my heart aching with a longing to be the one to ease her fears.
As we approached the mansion, Naina excused herself to change in the bathroom. I stood in the living room, my mind racing. I had never felt so drawn to a woman before. Is she the one for me?

A sudden knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Ansh entered, a mischievous grin on his face. 'Well, brother,' he said, 'it seems we have finally found our match.' I turned to Ansh, my voice a low murmur. 'We are monsters, Ansh. We have killed countless lives. Tonight, on our wedding night, we are expected to consummate our marriage. Failure to do so will nullify this truce.'

Ansh's face hardened. 'Mother has instructed us to respect our wive. She knows nothing of our... proclivities.'

I hesitated. 'Perhaps... we can deceive them. We can tell everyone we consummated our marriage, and they will believe what they want to believe.'
We reached a decision, and as Naina entered our room, clad in a red nightgown, my body surged with desire. Her innocent gaze met mine, and I felt a pang of guilt. She looked like a child, unaware of the darkness that lurked within us.

With trembling hands, I helped her onto the bed. She closed her eyes, her breathing shallow with nervousness. I chuckled softly, marveling at her naivety. Then, I lay down on her left side, while Ansh took her right.
Moments later, Naina open her eyes her cheeks flushed with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. She hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting between me and Ansh.

'We're not going to do anything,' she whispered to Ansh. 'I mean, we don't have to consummate our union, right?'

I couldn't help but smirk. 'If that's what you want, Naina. But if you change your mind, we're more than happy to oblige.'

Naina blushed even harder. 'No, no, it's okay.'

Ansh leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek. 'Baby, we know you're nervous. And you don't know anything about us. We've decided to give you some time.'

Naina's eyes sparkled with gratitude. 'Thank you so much.'

With that, we all lay down on the bed. Naina curled up between us, her soft breaths lulling me to sleep. In the silence of the night, I watched her sleep. Her face was serene, her lips parted slightly. She was so beautiful, so pure. I wondered if she would ever truly know us, the monsters that we were.

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