12~ Fun

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Rudra pov


At the tender age of 14, I witnessed a chilling scene that would forever scar my memory.

One fateful day, I ventured into my father's office, where he was holding a meeting with his underbosses. My mother, ever the gracious hostess, served them cold drinks and snacks. As she approached one of the men, I overheard his vile words.

'Boss, your wife is beautiful,' he sneered.

My father's cruel smirk sent shivers down my spine. He tugged my mother's hand and pulled her onto his lap. His face buried in her neck, he uttered, 'I know that's why I married her. And she has a sexy body.'

Disgust washed over me as the room erupted in laughter. It was as if my father had cracked the funniest joke. I glanced at my mother's face, only to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

In that moment, I despised my father for his cruel treatment of my mother. I kept my silence, knowing that my mother had always taught us to respect everyone.

But behind closed doors, I seethed with anger. I vowed to never let anyone disrespect my mother again. And as I rose through the ranks of the Mafia, I made sure that my enemies knew that my mother was untouchable.

Her silent suffering had ignited a fire within me, a determination to protect her and all those who were vulnerable. And though I had become the most feared man in India, I never forgot that day in my father's office, where my mother's tears had been met with laughter.


The words of my underboss, Jatin, had ignited an unquenchable fury within me.

'Did her pus*y worth this alliance? Perhaps we should bring her here and let us all inspect her worthiness,' he had uttered with a vile sneer.

The subject of his disdain was Naina, the woman I and my twin, Ansh, had chosen as our wife. A woman whose virtue and beauty had captivated us both. But Jatin, with his crude and derogatory remarks, had not only disrespected her but also challenged the sacred bond between us.

I clenched my fists so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Venom coursed through my veins, threatening to consume me entirely. I had always known that I was a monster, an aberration, but I had vowed to myself that I would never follow in the footsteps of my father, a man who had never respected women.

In that moment, all my restraint shattered. I lunged at Jatin, my rage fueling my movements. With a swift, precise motion, I extracted his tongue from his mouth, the sickening sound of tearing flesh echoing through the room.

The men around us gasped in horror. Blood spurted from Jatin's mouth, staining the marble floor. But I felt no pity, no remorse. He had crossed a line that could not be uncrossed.

'Do you understand now?' I growled, my voice as cold as ice. 'Naina is my wife, and I will tolerate no disrespect towards her.'

Fear spread through the ranks like wildfire. They had never seen me like this before, consumed by a rage that was both terrifying and exhilarating.
You will never speak again,' I hissed. 'Your vile words have earned you a permanent silence.'

As the others watched in terror, . 'Bring the chili powder,' ansh commanded.

Dhurv our cousin stepped forward and handed Ansh a bag of fiery red powder. A malicious glint entered Ansh's eyes. With unwavering resolve, he ordered the remaining underbosses to bind Jatin to a chair.

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