Transfer student No. 2

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'Thinking or telepathy.'
'Imagining what others are thinking.'
"Imagining what others might say."


Day One

With the much appreciated help of Google Maps, and my knack for showing up an hour early to most things, I managed to find my way to P.K Academy with little to no stress.

'Not bad.' Echoed through my head as I judged the building in front of me. Students filed in, in a steady stream. Chatter and careless conversation filled the air. A teacher in a red jogging outfit stood at the gates of the school, apparently checking uniforms. My body stiffened and I swear I felt a beat of sweat rolling down my temple as I stepped forward and felt his eyes graze over me.

"Miss Oppu, correct?" My heart sank and I turned towards the teacher, an awkward, forced grin on my face.

"Good morning sir." I managed to push out, after clearing my throat and approaching said teacher.
His arms were folded and he was looking down at me - yeah - but he had kind eyes, so I managed to relax a bit before he started speaking. His expression didn't scream "You're in trouble, Missy." at least.

"I've been informed about your uniform situation, and I'd like to let you know that if you experience any trouble from other students regarding it, I'll be here to put a stop to it. You can call me Mr. Matsuzaki." His voice was gruff. Authoritative, but still had an undertone of kindness to it. I nodded curtly and offered another smile.
"That's very considerate of you, thank you sir." I bowed as I spoke, and he nodded to me to enter.

'Well fuck, the nerves are indeed wracking.' I thought as I felt my heart start to pound against my ribs, trying to take a couple of breaths and clenching my hands to counteract the shakiness. God, I really recognised nobody. Obviously I knew I wouldn't - but at this point it would've been a shock I could handle and even be happy about. To see a familiar face.

Before I had nearly long enough to come to terms with the fact that I was indeed doing this, the bell rang and my heart leaped out of my chest.

Scrambling, I pulled out my printed timetable, opening it stupidly enough to rip a bit of it before finding my classroom on it and jogging to follow a couple kids (who looked around my age?) inside the building. 'God damn it, I just got my pulse to settle, too.' Without any further thinking, I hovered my empty hand over the timetable and watched somewhat nonchalantly as the torn paper repaired itself, before folding it back up neatly and slipping it into the inner pocket of my gakuran.

I glanced up and saw a sign above a door that I recognised as matching the one on my printed paper slip, and waited outside for the teacher to let me know I could enter.

Nervous, I flicked a switch in my mind and in flooded a wave of other people's thoughts. There was the usual - what I was expecting, anyway, - 'I hope she's cute.' 'I hope they're a girl.' 'I hope they're a cute boy.' 'Maybe I can befriend her!', but then there was another one that caught me a little off guard. But only a little; 'Good grief. Another transfer student? That's the second one this term.'.

Well damn. I didn't take into account that my arrival might piss some people off before they even knew me, but I guess that's one kid I'll need to avoid. No matter, I don't have a complex where I've got to be liked by everyone. (Cough cough Teruhashi cough cough).

If this kid doesn't like me, I won't bug him. Simple enough.

All the thoughts started to get a little boring, and actually hearing my own thoughts took priority, so I flicked the mental switch again to leave only those behind. Anticipation sent a chill through my body as the teacher slid the door open, bidding me to enter.

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