Chūnibyō and Façades Pt. 2.

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Just as I had begun to start questioning my sanity, I felt a delicate tap on my shoulder. Glancing over it, my eyes fell upon the pretty bluette from earlier. Interest number three. My eyes flicked back to the trio of boys in front of me, offering an apologetic smile before turning in my chair to face her, and put my back to them.

"Hello!" Huh. Sweet voice. "You're Oppu-chan, aren't you?" She gave me a closed-eye smile and held a perfect little hand out to me.
"My name is Teruhashi Kokomi. It's a pleasure to meet you!" I shook her hand and returned the smile, before something - a feeling - nagged at me to read her mind. So on flicked the mental switch. God, was I shocked to find out this 'perfect pretty girl' was nothing short of the most arrogant person I have ever met.

On top of that, holy shit, her mind raced. Like a horse.

'There you go, new girl! Not only did the most perfect pretty girl acknowledge, come up to you and start a conversation with you, but she even knew your name! That's right, she shook your hand, too! Make sure never to wash that now, I'm sure you'll want a piece of my DNA on you forever! Of course, that's as close as you'll ever get to touching what's practically royalty considering my status in society, and all because of my godlike beauty. Looks like I'll get my first female crushee, too, because there is no way a new girl can join this school wearing the boys' uniform and be straight-' Damn. She's right there. '-so gawk at me and adore me! You should be grateful I took the time out of my day to speak to you, and now you have the pleasure of people noticing you, too, for having spoken to me! Kokomi Teruhashi! Remember the name, Oppu! Remember me!!'

What's truly shocking is she managed to think all of that in less than eight seconds. But also, I couldn't help but notice she spoke in third person in her own head. Who does that? I tried not to let the growing disgust show on my face, because even if that didn't put me off, I still wouldn't crush on her. I mean, yeah, she's pretty as hell, but I'm demisexual (look it up, kids) and arrogance is not something I find hot.

Exasperated from both her mental onslaught and the pressure of trying to hide my bewilderment, I thanked her briefly and echoed my own 'pleasure' to meet her before she walked off, her mind still somehow racing.

I started to wonder if I was actually even going to survive a week here before Nendou started yapping again. I turned back to the trio, switching off my telepathy to give myself somewhat of a break before I realised I was being invited out to grab ramen.

Caught somewhat off guard, I blinked a bit before nodding. "Uh, yeah, sure, I have nothing else to do." I subconsciously glanced at Saiki, who didn't seem too pleased that I was tagging along - reminding me 'Oh, right, I need to avoid this guy.'. I chewed my bottom lip as I started to try and come up with an excuse that I 'Just remembered' about not being able to join them.

God, let me just wing it. "Oh, actually, Nendou, let me double-check that." How could I forget? My saving grace. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through some random apps, before sighing and dropping it back onto my lap. I looked back up to Nendou and shrugged, feigning disappointment. "I've got to meet someone after school today. Really sorry. How about another time?" I tried to avoid the pinkette's gaze as I spoke, worried that his silence meant heightened observance, capable of picking out my lies if we locked eyes for even a second. Thankfully, this possible form of intelligence did not translate to Nendou, who bought it.

"Aw, man, that really sucks. Next time then! Clear your schedule, Oppu-chan." He grinned, which made me feel a little bad.
"Just Oppu is okay, thank you for the invite anyway, Nendou." I offered a polite smile and bowed my head slightly, before glancing to Kaidou.
"You don't mind me tagging along next time, do you, Kaidou-kun?" He blushed lightly again and also murmured something about the "kun" part not being needed, before brushing off the fact that I might have joined the next time, saying he doesn't mind.

I wasn't planning to. It was just to get Saiki off of my back.

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