"Thank you for having me."

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Public speaking was never my thing. Well, "public", I mean I couldn't even do speeches in front of my English class back in my old school without shaking like a leaf.

Praying my voice wouldn't break, I took a sharp breath and started speaking.
"My name is Oppu Sekayi, it's nice to meet you all."
Okay. Voice didn't break, but I'm definitely shaking. I bowed slightly as I continued.
"Thank you for having me."

Standing upright again, in the span of a few seconds I gauged the general reaction. Pretty good, some boys were drooling (ew but at least it's not wrinkled noses) and some girls had already started whispering. I could tell they weren't bad whispers, though, yes... because I checked... but I couldn't help trying to figure out who the guy I would have to avoid was. The rest of the guys and girls were just smiling normally and trying to catch my eye to ease my tension - how sweet - but I felt a really weird rush in my chest when I locked eyes with a pair behind green glasses.

'Ah. Gotcha.' This kid had a really weird vibe about him, and; unable to pin it down during the couple of seconds I had observing everyone; I decided it was just because of the cold, unfeeling prejudice he had made against me for being new.

"Miss Oppu, you can sit in front of Saiki Kusuo. Saiki, raise your hand, please." The teacher spoke.

The boy with the pink hair raised his hand. Fuck. So much for avoiding him.

I nodded to the teacher before walking to my new seat, keeping my eyes down until I pulled my chair out, when I glanced at him. Surprise, surprise, he was staring at me - a blank expression on his face. I smiled awkwardly and briefly before averting my eyes and taking a seat, swinging my bag off of my shoulder and glancing around, catching a lot of other peoples' eyes, too.

The teacher drawled on for a little while before I got bored... well, not bored, but anxious. I was worrying about what everyone was thinking about me. Okay, that's another lie, I was worried about the kid behind me. Give me a break, okay? I just felt vulnerable with him breathing down my neck! Well, not- whatever. Just have some empathy. I wanted to know if he was planning to stick gum in my hair or something.

As my thoughts swarmed around him, I started to notice some of the other students had picked up on the fact I wasn't wearing the girls' uniform, and decided that knowing what they thought was more important than Mr. Stone Face behind me. On flicked the mental switch, in flooded the whispers. This time, I just enhanced my hearing a bit - I didn't really need to use telepathy if they were already whispering what they were thinking, and honestly the telepathy has less filtering than the superhearing. This way I didn't hear everyone's thoughts, I just heard some people's whispers.

"-well, I don't think it's weird. Especially not since the... last transfer student. I wish I could switch to trousers too, after him, but I kind of like the attention these skirts get. They're cuter, too." And, giggles commence. Okay, so they don't plan on bullying me about it. Thank the Lord. Also, previous possibly pervy transfer student noted.
"Maybe she's... you know." One of the girls does a limp wrist gesture.
'Not quite. I'm bi, not lesbian. But they can figure that out later.' I think to myself. But hey, as long as they aren't homophobic or planning to harass me, I don't care what they think of me.
I switch to telepathy after a tiny internal battle, and try to sieve out this "Saiki" guy's thoughts.

"-probably just more trouble. I need to keep an eye on her." My blood runs cold.
Excuse me, what. All I did was wear the damn boy's uniform and now I'm on his radar?! Jesus, this guy's insane. Thank fuck I have these powers, at least it'll be easier to avoid the apparent stalker-to-be.

The teacher stops drawling and informs us that the rest of homeroom could be spent relaxing and socialising.

Heads turn towards me.

Oh, hell.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now