Making Connections

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Day Four

'Walk home with me.'
'Jesus! A warning, Saiki.'
'How am I supposed to warn you before I speak to you?'

I turn around in circles, eyes narrowed, searching for the culprit of my startle.

'You look stupid doing that.'
"Maybe you should come out then." I mutter to myself as I stop turning, before spotting him leaning by the wall near the school entrance. Scowling, I walk over to him and fold my arms.
"What did you want, again?"
'I wanted-'
"Out loud." I shudder.
"Does speaking telepathically to you affect you that much?" He raises an eyebrow, folding his arms as he speaks.
"It's like you're speaking into my ear. But like... right next to my ear drum."
He makes a face. "That seems unpleasant."
I sigh and drop my arms to my sides. "I'll get used to it. What did you want?"
"Walk home with me."
"Ask, don't tell me what to do."
He grumbles and unfolds his arms before speaking again. "Will you walk home with me? And Nendou and Kaidou."
"Much better. Yes, I will." I fake smile and glance around for the other two.
"They aren't here yet."
"No shit, Sherlock, that's why I'm looking for them." I murmur, and Saiki snorts - making me raise an eyebrow at him.
"What?" He queries, his smirk dropping.
"I really didn't think I was that funny."
"You're not. Shut up."
"Good grief, what a pain."
He narrows his eyes, arms folding again. "Stop mocking me."

I smirk at him and lean against the wall beside him, eyes still scanning for the other two.

"Why don't you use clairvoyance to find them? It's easier."
I raise an eyebrow and look over at him. Clairvoyance? I have no idea what that is. "What's that?"
He looks somewhat surprised, before clearing his throat and shifting slightly where he stands. "It's just a way to find objects or people without having to actually be there."

I hum in understanding, intrigued. "I don't think I can do that." Huh. So I guess we don't have all the same abilities. Honestly, I don't know what was more likely - our powers being carbon copies of each other, or each of us having completely different powers; having nothing in common. I guess it's just the middle ground.

Saiki doesn't seem convinced, however. "Just try it. Try crossing your eyes and picturing a birds' eye view of the school, or just picturing Nend- actually, Kaidou's face." His voice is monotone as usual, but he does seem genuinely interested in seeing whether or not this ability is teachable. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You go cross-eyed to find your friends?" I smirk, amused.
He scoffs, turning his head away. "You're the one who can't do it to begin with."
"Jesus, fine, I'll try it." I grumble, and he turns back to look at me again, intrigue flooding his eyes.

This is stupid, but I guess I'll try it. I close my eyes and picture a birds' eye view of P.K Academy, and imagine seeing Kaidou walking towards our position from a random area in the school. Opening my eyes again, I look at the bridge of my nose and attempt to see what I did before... to no avail. Groaning and rubbing my eyes gently, I make a frustrated noise and fold my arms, leaning against the wall again. I can feel Saiki smirking at me smugly, and I shoot him a glare.

Just as I was about to say something probably not very nice to him, I catch a glimpse of Nendou and Kaidou walking together in our direction. They're bickering, but just seeing them brings a grin to my face before I catch myself.

It's only the end of my fourth day here, and I'm already attached to these knuckleheads. Who would've thought? Come to think of it, I'm pretty friendly with quite a few people so far. I've spoken to Takahashi more often recently and he's okay. Yumehara and Mera are quite nice, and I've eaten lunch with them a couple of times. Well, today and yesterday, anyway. Hairo can be jarring, but he's pleasant enough. Hell, even Toritsuka is bearable when he's not being pervy - he's pretty funny, actually.

I glance over at Saiki again, and smile involuntarily. Honestly somehow I feel the closest to this complete dumbass. And then Kaidou. Nendou is cool too, I guess. The pink haired boy catches my eye and tilts his head, I shake my head and chuckle, garnering a raised eyebrow from him.

Kaidou and Nendou finally reach us, and it becomes apparent to me they were arguing over Kaidou's height. Saiki and I are both 5'6", Nendou - the giant - is 6'3"... and Kaidou is 5'2". So, needless to say, Nendou came up to us laughing, and Kaidou pouting. As per usual.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now