Ungrateful + Snarky = Arguments

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Saiki sits opposite me, rolling his eyes and sighing. "Obviously, I want to discuss how exactly you plan on going about this." His glare seems to burn through me, not that I care; I just stare back with a bored expression.

"With your help, duh." I pick my phone back up and unlock it, pretty much just staring at my home screen because I'm too busy listening to him to multitask, but at the same time I kind of want to start watching youtube while we're sitting here.

"And when were you planning to bring this up? Or ask me?"
"Um... eventually?" Helpfully, I suggest as I smile at him, opting to put my phone back down. He glances at it, frowning for a second before looking back to me. He's about to speak again when I'm saved from his mind-numbing voice by none other than Mera.

"Saiki-kun! Oppu! Hi!"
Somehow immediately my irritation is melted away by this little angel and her little angelic smile.
"Mera-chan, how are you?" I chirp, smiling at her warmly.
"Oh, I'm doing well, what about you two? You guys on a date?" She glances between us innocently, notepad and pen ready to take orders... if she ever actually gets around to asking.
"Seriously? Look at him."

The two of us answer at the same time, and Saiki shoots me a glare as I pretend not to notice and simply look to Mera. You can guess who said what.

A wave of pink flushes her face as she apologises for the misunderstanding, and the two of us order. Obviously, Saiki gets a coffee jelly. I get a fudge brownie and a double mocha. Cue another glare.

"I thought you liked the coffee jelly when you tried it?" The accusatory tone is amusing — does he seriously take offence to me not matching his enthusiasm for jelly?
"I never said I liked it. I just said it was good."
Saiki makes a little flabbergasted noise. "And that's not the same thing?"
"No." I smile, giving a little wave to Mera as she returns with your coffee. "No, it isn't."

Yeah, it kind of is.
'So why didn't you get it?'
Now it's my turn to glare, and I lean over the table to flick his forehead.

"Ow, fine, I get it. Get out of your head." He rubs the spot you flicked, frowning at me.
"Screw you." I sigh and slump back into my seat.
"Anyway, I think we should probably try the same sort of way that we did last time."

Taking a sip of my coffee, I glance up and peer around the booth the two of us are sat in to see if Mera is coming back with the rest of our order.
Not yet, apparently.

I glance back to Saiki, shrugging. "I mean, the closest we're gonna get is if we do something like that again, right? Just me trying to figure out what exactly it is that you do to get your stuff to work." As I speak, I gesture vaguely at him, garnering a raised eyebrow from the Pinkette.

"So, you're just planning to follow whatever I describe again? Just crossing your eyes until you see something... or stare at a spoon until it bends?" He speaks slowly, unconvinced.
"What else am I supposed to do?" I answer flatly. "Fuckin' manifest it?"
"Fair enough." He glances up at Mera and nods curtly as she places down the jelly, his coffee, and my brownie. Nice.

"Thanks, Mera." I smile at her and she nods before retreating back into the kitchen. "Well, if you're free after this, we could start practising today." I shrug, poking my spoon into the brownie.

There's no answer for a while, so I look up to Saiki to find him staring at me, with an expression like he's deep in thought. I figure he's just figuring out how to ask something, or even just how to reply to what I said, but he keeps staring silently. Frowning, I wave a hand in front of his face for a second.

"Hello? You in there? What?"
He opens his mouth but still hesitates.
"What? Jesus."
"Why are you even considering helping me, again?"
"Um... because we're friends?"
"Are we?"
"Wow, Pinky, ouch."
He scoffs. "I didn't mean it like that."
I take another bite of my brownie, chew and swallow. "Well with your constant deadpan tone, I really couldn't tell."
Saiki pauses, eating some coffee jelly. "Is it really because we're friends? There's nothing you want in return?"

Sighing, I put my spoon down and push my plate away a little, leaning into the booth cushion behind me. Obviously, this kid overthinks a lot. Whether it's because he's been used for his powers before, I don't know. It's not like he's going to spill to me any time soon about his trust issues, or issues in general — he seems generally closed-off with his emotions anyway. So I might as well tell him the truth, although he doesn't seem like the type to take well to pity.

"Honestly?" Pausing for a second, I glance up to see him leaning in a little, a mixture of intrigue and worry etched on his face. Sighing, I continue.

"I just thought it must be pretty shitty. To always hear the thoughts and worries and... whatever of everyone around you constantly. So, I guess if I can learn one of your... things," I wave a hand flippantly, before poking my mug with a finger and staring into the dark liquid inside as it sloshes around. "—then you'll be able to learn one of mine, namely switching off telepathy, and it'll be better for you."

"...That's it?"
I look up at him again, frowning. "Fucking hell, are you ever satisfied? Yes, that's it."
"Well, sorry, I didn't exactly know what to expect. Give me a break."
Sighing again, I groan. "I told you this last time, anyway. What, didn't you believe me?"
"Excuse me for having trust issues with one of the only people who knows my biggest secret." He huffs.
"Seriously? You're the one who was stalking me."

I narrow your eyes at him, and he frowns at my accusatory tone, putting his spoon down too and folding his arms.

Both of our voices become slightly more snappy. What is this guys problem? I made it pretty clear last time that I just wanted to help him out, so why is he doubting you so much? Fuck, why does he have to get on my nerves so often? Can't he just chill out?

'I wasn't stalking you.'
"I told you to get out of my head."
'Why not? Because I'll find out why you really want to "help" me?'
"I'm fucking warning you, get out." Gritting my teeth, I glare daggers into his eyes. He returns my gaze.
'Or what? Because all you're doing every time you say that is making me more and more suspicious of you.'

Abruptly, I stand, knocking my mug over. The coffee spills out onto the table, and Saiki uses his powers to stop it from dripping onto his lap, but some droplets still splash onto his face, scalding him a little. He wipes off the specks with his sleeve, glaring at me still.

"I told you already," I seethe. "I don't want you in my damn head, because it feels awful. It's a breach of my privacy, and it feels disgusting to have someone inside of my mind. So stay out of my head, and learn to have a little fucking faith in me."

As I make my way towards the door, Saiki calls out. "Maybe if you weren't so fucking unpleasant I'd have a better time trusting you." I stop dead, shocked that he actually swore, but more so that he called me out on my 'tough-girl' act. Unable to form any real thoughts right now, I just shoot him a look.

"Fuck you, Saiki."
And leave the cafe.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now