So, we're Friends Now?

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We eat a little more of the jelly before I drink some of my mocha, and the silence becomes uncomfortable between us, possibly for the first time.

"I'll try, for you." I say, still not meeting his eye.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll try learning clairvoyance." I glance up as I take another sip.

He's watching me too; he's put his spoon back down and has his hands between his thighs. Honestly, I thought he was kind of arrogant. But now he seems so... small? Timid? No, but there's something there that seems vulnerable.

Who am I kidding, he's still an asshole. I just care about him either way.

I sigh heavily and put my cup down, leaning back and folding my arms, staring right back at him.
"What if you can't?" He's a little less quiet now.
"Then I'll try again. You shouldn't have to deal with that all the time. If I can learn one of yours, you can learn one of mine."
He falls quiet again.


I shrug, pick up my teaspoon and tap it against his mug. "Drink, it'll get cold."
He smiles for a second and picks his mug up, drinking and relaxing again.
"You don't do friends, huh?" I muse, "This kind of feels like we're friends, nuisance No. 1."
He frowns, something I'm actually slightly relieved to see after his unnatural timidity. "I told you not to steal that, that's my thing."
I hold a finger against my chin, feigning contemplation. "If I remember correctly, I told you to cry about it."
He chuckles, I grin, and we both roll our eyes.

"Admit it, we're friends." I press, knocking his foot with my own.
"Will it make you shut up?"
"God, no."
"Then why should I admit to something I don't want to?" He scoffs, and I kick his foot a little harder. He glares at me for a second, but I can tell he isn't pissed.
"Stay a bloody tsundere then, I don't care. I know deep down that you know we're friends."
He scoffs yet again, shovelling more jelly into his mouth.

I grin at him, and finish off my jelly, drinking down the rest of my mocha and wiping my mouth before screwing up the napkin and putting it in my empty mug. "I'm getting the bill, by the way."
"Fine by me." He replies, still working on the jelly. God, he eats slowly. You know what would be funny? If I stared him down until he finished. Intensely.

I stare at him, furrowing my brow a little and folding my arms. He seems so happy eating for a little, like he just put the worlds best treat in his mouth (the jelly was okay at best, buddy, calm down) before glancing up at me, doing a double take.

He slowly takes another bite, keeping eye contact but looking highly concerned. He swallows and pauses.

You know what would be even funnier? If I just kept staring silently. Oh! Wait, no, let me just shake my head and look disappointed.

I do just that, and he just looks at me.
"What? Did I do something?"

I carry on staring, stopping shaking my head and he does that sassy little 'What?' hand gesture. I try to keep it together, but I start laughing, holding my mouth and turning away, as he rolls his eyes.
"Real mature. Good grief."
'Shut up, you're making me laugh more.' I double over in the booth, slowly sliding down the chair.
'You're an idiot.' He shakes his head, drinking his coffee.
'I know, I know.'

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now