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As soon as I got home, I slammed my door and went straight to my room — on my phone again. Pissed. I thought I'd finally become friends with that— that idiot, and he doesn't even trust me!

Me, who he fucking stalked over the course of my first week at school.
Me, who he trusted his biggest secret with.
Me, who he took to his 'safe place'. That stupid cafe.
Me, who he actually spoke to instead of using his stupid fucking telepathy.

Me, who he called unpleasant.

Am I really that unpleasant? That detestable to be around? Sure, I'm snarky. Sarcastic. I don't have much patience for his comments and his stupidity. But he just gets on my nerves so easily. His smug attitude that constantly hangs around him. That constant look of distaste and dissatisfaction on his face. He never seems content, never pleased with anything around him apart from that fucking jelly.

And yet he shared it with me. The only thing that he actually seemed to enjoy.

So what the fuck is his deal? Surely that proves he trusts or likes me in some way, right? But he obviously doesn't like me enough to consider me a friend, otherwise he would actually trust me! Why, then?

We both get on each other's nerves so easily. I've got to admit it, looking back I wasn't exactly as patient with him as I should have been. Not as nice as I should've been. I don't know what he's been through, after all.

Groaning in frustration into my pillow, I stand up from my bed and stomp downstairs to the kitchen. Pouring a glass of milk and grabbing some snacks from a cupboard, I hop onto my kitchen counter, and seethe.

How am I "not being nice enough", when I'm literally donating my free time to learning his stupid powers just to give him some peace of mind! Speaking of which, it isn't gonna be fuckin' easy. Learning a new psychic power is the opposite of "easy"— are you kidding?! The fact that I'm genuinely planning on doing this for him — snarky or not — is proof enough I care about him. Care enough to be nice; to be selfless!

So why then? Why is he so insufferable?

I'll admit it — I'm a prick. It's more of a defence mechanism than anything, but if it's really upsetting him so much, I guess I can change for a friend.


Saiki P.O.V:

Why is she so insufferable?

She's sly, and sharp-tongued, and she always seems annoyed with me. I didn't even do anything! I have every right not to trust her. I don't even know her.

Well, I guess that's not all true.

But I didn't stalk her! I wish she would stop saying that. It's not easy being a psychic. I just... was intrigued that I wasn't the only one. And, I'll admit, I was slightly suspicious. But what's wrong with me wanting to figure more out about her? Psychics are rare and dangerous. It's not my fault if I wanted to be cautious.

And her temper is so short. I really don't understand how someone can be that impatient with me — acting like I'm such a chore to be around. She even started going to my favourite cafe without me. On purpose. I just— I can't stand her and her... lack of tolerance for me. What am I doing so wrong?

This is the one person I haven't actively tried to avoid.
The one person I've actually tried to befriend.
The one person I've been vulnerable with — considering my natural reservedness.
The one person I don't really mind being myself around.

And I've just fucked it all up.

Resting my head in my hands, I sigh before lying down on my bed and pulling my phone out, sending her a text.


! Message not delivered.


I frown at my screen, tapping the message and "try again" only for the same irritating little message to pop up. Did she seriously block me? She doesn't think she can get rid of me that easily, does she? This is stupid. I'm going to her house.

If I'm so much of a nuisance, then I'll change to be more bearable, but she is not about to ignore me.

Having made my decision, I leave my phone on my bed and sneak downstairs, trying not to be spotted by my parents who are currently swooning over each other in the kitchen. They're too busy trying to "out-compliment" each other to notice me, anyway.

If Oppu seriously thinks that I'm just going to let her sulk and ignore me over some stupid argument, she's dead wrong. I'm not about to allow one of the only people I'm willing to tolerate to slip out of my life just because she has a short fuse and thinks she gets to be pissy with me. Besides, I still have use for her. She can't seriously think she can promise to help me and then throw a fit just because I ask a few questions? Tch. How immature. She should expect this, anyway. It's not like she doesn't know I'm stubborn. So, really, showing up at her house because she blocked my number isn't something that should come as a surprise to her. What does she expect, anyway?

I sigh and try to wipe the scowl off of my face as I reach up to knock on her front door.

Maybe I really am her Nuisance No. 1.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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