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SEXUAL themes. 

"What's wrong?" I heard from the doorway. It was Lucy, with Cohen and Blake behind her. 

"She's having a nightmare but she won't wake up," I said frantically. I looked back down to her and I saw tears in her eyes. 

My sister rushed to her other side and pinch her arm and she started waking up. She gasped when she did so and saw my sister first. She held onto her hand tightly and then she turned to me. 

"Gray," she exhaled, seemingly relieved. She wrapped her arms around me and I held her tightly. 

"I'll be back soon okay," my sister said to Cohen and he nodded and went back to his room. 

"I thought these stopped," Blake said to Lucy, and they shared a knowing look. I was growing more irritated and worried. Eleanor was still holding onto me. 

"I know."

"I'll leave you guys," Blake said and made his way out. 

"What were yous talking about?" I asked and I felt her deep breathe. 

"She'll tell you, but stop stressing," she said. "I wonder why it came up again," she wondered, rubbing her back.

"She'll tell you." Luce nodded and smiled at me and Eleanor. 

"Alright, well I guess she doesn't really need me. Not saying I missed her having nightmares but I always woke up." Eleanor chuckled and then let go of me, she hugged Luce. 

"My father sent me a letter saying he has news and wants to have lunch in two weeks."

"Oh my god."

"She just got the letter," I added. 

"You know he isn't worth all this. I love you, okay Lenny?" She nodded and pulled away. 

"Thank you... for hearing me. I still need you by the way." My sister smiled and stood up. 

"Same here. See you guys at breakfast." She closed the door and then it was just us. 

"You don't need to tell me," I said softly, noticing her red eyes. Her hands were still shaky so I held them as we got back into bed. I saw her contemplating. When she began speaking, I could see the fear in her eyes, all I could do was brush my thumbs over her knuckles. 

"It's a nightmare, obviously. It's about my father, the main reason I am terrified of him. When my mother mentioned divorcing him it was kind of out of the blue. We were having dinner and she handed him the papers to sign. He got so angry. I didn't even recognise him as my father in that moment. He was like this monster in our house. 

"He threw his hands on the table and plates fell and broke, all I could hear was smashing glass. My mother just sat there, I don't know how, maybe she expected it, why she brang it up at that moment, I don't know? I had practically launched out of my chair and was against the wall behind it. To leave the dining table I'd have to go around him so it wasn't an option. I was stuck frozen against the wall.

"He was just yelling and was getting more angry because my mother wasn't answering him, maybe she was shocked too I'm not sure. He grabbed the wine glass and threw it to the side and it smashed against the wall beside me. A few shards cut me lightly but a big piece of it was stuck on the side of my torso and I just collapsed." Her voice was uneven, and I squeezed her hands at what she was saying. There'd have to be a scar, I thought, wanting to see. 

"I was young, it was the scariest and most painful moment of my life. My mother - and I was surprised by this - stood up finally, and told him to leave. I remember the exact way she spoke, it was all I could hear as it was so loud and stern. He was breathing heavily and he threw his chair into the table and walked out. Her lawyer got him to sign, he was not allowed to see her after that, but they got shared custody over me so he was, and still is allowed to see me, just not my mother. 

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