From Friend to Foe

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Capital Crocus, Fiore, Jul-1st-X798

We were finally in Crocus!!! After four long hours on that damn train, we were finally at our destination. The beautiful capital city of our Kingdom and the place where we would state that Fairy Tail stood atop all the guilds in Fiore even after years of keeping quiet. I'm getting fired up!

"It feels good to be back in this beautiful city." Gray said in general while losing his pants in the process.

"It sure is now that there are no dragons destroying it." I agreed with him, but....

"But it would be more beautiful if you put some damn pants on popsicle." I added in with a bit of a growl.

"You wanna go ash-rack?" He answered back glaring and now stark naked.

This guy knows no shame, so I stepped forward to face him.

"Bring it!" I said as I slammed my fists together.

I was not gonna pass on this chance. Gray had been getting on my nerves ever since we got on that bloody train. Every bump we passed, every turn that was a bit too tight, he would laugh at my discomfort instead of helping me feel a little better. It's not like I could borrow anyone's lap anymore....

"Stop it!" Wendy said as she stepped between us and handed Gray his pants.

"Honestly, I am younger than both of you and yet I'm at least ten times more mature." She said with a frown.

Wendy had turned herself into a little blue-haired version of Erza. It was kind of scary to think that the once little and quiet Wendy was now all grown up, beating the crap out of random bad guys with her kick ass Sky Dragon Slayer Magic. Just a little more and the new Titania would take the pedestal, she is next in line after all. How time flies.

"Alright, everyone accounted for?" The current Titania asked.

"There are only five us Erza" Gray pointed out.

"Yeah, plus we ain't kids anymore" I followed and pouted a bit.

"I just wanted to make sure" She confirmed and smirked.

I shot her a glare and she glared back at me, while I am still respectful and a little fearful of her might; I know I can now hold my ground against her. Bringing a bit of chaos to Crocus for the sakes of old times felt quite tempting right now.

"She was only double checking Natsu." Happy sighted to me as he landed on my shoulder.

"Come on, before you blow this city in two halves. I rather make it to the inn in peace." Jellal said as he placed a hand in the small of Erza's back.

And just like that, the current Titania relaxed her features and sighed in resignation. Damn! Jellal must teach me his tricks! He's so good at making sure she stays calm by saying the simplest words and phrases; whereas if I ever try something like that, I'll land face first at the peak of Mt. Hakobe.

"Hey Natsu!" A familiar voice called out and I turned to meet my old friend.

"Yo! Sti-"

The words got cut off from me and the metal taste of my own blood inched in from a corner of my mouth. I staggered back and plumped into the floor, butt first. My head was a little shaken, and I could not entirely process what had just happened. Ok, settle down, one thing at a time, did this ass just tried to K.O. me?

"That's enough Master Sting!" Yukino's voice came over.

"Are you fucking crazy or something?! What the hell was that for?!" I roared at Sting from the ground and took in his features.

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