A Justified Anger

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Capital Crocus, Fiore, Jul-2-X798

I wouldn't know how to describe my feelings and my thoughts right then. If I had to put it in a single word it would be shock. If I could go a little beyond that, maybe relief, happiness but also nervousness and confusion.

I was happy to see Lucy, I was relieved and glad to see her walking strong on her own and carrying herself with confidence; so much better than the last time when she was still bandaged up and a little pale from that last mission.

But I had to admit, that same confidence that she carried herself with was new and strange to me. She did have confidence before, but this was different, it was like looking at a whole new person.

"Fairy Tail, I hope you have been well." She said while scanning both our teams.

The moment she spoke was the moment I wanted to hold her. To have her in my arms and ask her to come back. I wanted... needed to make sure, that even with all these years, she was still the Lucy I knew... the Lucy I loved.

My body moved faster than my brain, a single step soon turned into a sprint and just as I was about to reach her, to have her in my arms again, a force slammed itself against my stomach and got the air out of lungs making me drop to my knees.

"Where do you think you are going runt?" one of the guys asked.

I glared back at the voice as I recovered by breath. Bright emerald eyes were looking down at me, one of the dudes, a black-haired one, had just punched me.

"Step aside brute." I said as I stood.

I took two steps before he shoved me back by the shoulder with his hand. We locked glares again and I released my magic power, thinking that it should be enough to make him move. Yet...

"YOU go back to your doghouse, Fairy Tail runt." He growled and released his own magic.

The air was so heavy with our clashing powers that I almost gapped; that motherfucker was on par with me on magic?! Well, he better know how to use it 'cause I wasn't about to back down.

"AHEM! Please restrain yourselves from fighting when the games haven't even started KABO." Mato called out of nowhere.

Gray suddenly pulled me from my vest, dragging me back to the team and telling me softly to cool down. I did not look at him, I barely registered his words. I just stared at those fucking green eyes and that arrogant smirk as he turned away and back to Lucy.

I moved my sight to her, to her right hand, looking for her guild mark, but there was only a fingerless glove in there. Scanning her arm I could see another mark, a red one, in her bicep; most probably the Dragon Rider's one.

"What are your thoughts on the matter Mr. Yajima? I remember Lucy was always very open about her love for Fairy Tail. Why would she ever change guilds?" Chapati followed the conversation.

"I would guess that she and the Fairy Tail mages had a breakdown of sorts. What I can say is that whatever happened must have been big, after all, this is the first time in years that she has made public appearance." Yajima answered back.

The old man's words echoed in me, he was right. I looked at the crowd and their faces were a mix of surprise, discomfort and some even disgust. I felt bad at that, it was partially my fault she had left Fairy Tail in such bad terms, and now, the guys most probably believed she had betrayed us.

I turned my sight back to her, to try and see if I could catch her attention. But she was already talking with her other guildmates, her back to us; as if even looking at us was a waste of her time. I wondered what her thoughts of me were at that moment.

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