Those Who Were Alone

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Town of Kaycen, Fiore, Nov-1st-X795

My field of vision was packed with different faces, all of them with sparkling, curious eyes. The guys from Axel's guild had been bombarding me with all sorts of questions since I got down from the guest room on the second floor.

"What's Magnolia like? And Crocus! You've been there too right?" One blue eyed teen said.

"Are there a lot of different restaurants in the city? Is there any with food from Stella Kingdom?" A black-eyed one asked.

"Are there fountains as big as houses over in Crocus?" Spoke a random voice at the back of the group.

"Is it true that the Fairy Tail guildhall is so big that it reaches the ocean?" Someone said from beside me.

This was too awkward; they didn't even give me time to answer one question before popping the next one. I looked around the top of their heads, searching for a specific pair of jaded eyes. Which I found very far away on a side table.

"You can help me you know!!" I yelled out to Axel.

I had called out at the same time I was pushing away the face of a honey eyed teen that was getting too close for comfort. These people didn't know what personal space was.

"You seem like you got it covered, city girl" He said in a nonchalant manner.

He was sipping his, apparently, morning cocoa and reading a newspaper. He was truly a case to behold, that jerk; I really had to hold my temper not to click my tongue at him.

"No, I don't!" I retorted back.

I looked around the mages again. They are all around their early or late teens, but they should have a good idea about manners by now. Yet their questions were getting more and more absurd.

"How many boyfriends did you have over there?" A pink haired girl said, and I blushed.

"NONE! Axel!!" I confirmed and screamed out to him again.

"WHAT?!" He shouted while slamming his mug against the wooden table.

"I am trying to enjoy my morning in peace, thank you very much. So STOP causing such a commotion why don't ya?" He exclaimed while frowning slightly.

"It's your guildmates' fault! Move away jeez! I'm not that weird looking!" I spoke.

Addressing the honey-eyed mage that again is way too close to comfort to be face first. To my comment he only smirked slyly and took a few steps back. His eyes glued on me in a creepy way that made me shiver. What's with him?

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Axel said, his eyes glued to the newspaper.

Three claps echoed through the wooden guildhall, calming the crazy mages that didn't know the concept of "Personal Space". Upon hearing the claps, they immediately backed off and away from me at least a couple of feet. Opening a path from the hall doors to me.

"Come now children, let's not scare the lady." Said a rusty but sweet voice.

Because my whole vision had been filled with the faces of the guild members and my ears with their awkward questions, I did not catch when the heavy metal doors of the guildhall swung open. But once the crowd had moved, I could see the silhouette of an old lady. Barely a meter and a half tall, her hands against her back, her pink-grayish hair tied in a bun at-top of her head and glasses on her nose. Indeed, the typical grandmother that would make you your favorite cookies when you visit with your parents.

"This guest here is most probably a new family member. We need to behave if we don't want her running away from us like everybody else who tries to drop off a job request." She said as she strolled into the guild casually with her hands behind her back.

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