Chapter 3 - How Convenient

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After Jude paid for your lunch at one of the vending machines scattered around the school, you made your way to the grassy hill he had mentioned earlier.

The hill was a short walk from the school buildings, and as you approached, you found a quiet, secluded spot where the grass was lush. The area offered a peaceful retreat away from the bustling school environment.

Everything looked beautiful, despite the gloomy start to the morning. The sun had broken through the clouds, casting a warm glow that seemed to overshadow the earlier gloom.

The grass on the hill appeared exceptionally healthy and untouched, a vibrant green that stood out sharply against the surrounding school's activity and commotion. The serene setting was a stark reminder of nature's resilience and beauty, offering a peaceful escape from the day's earlier turmoil.

"Nice, huh?" Jude commented as you two walked up the hill. You nodded, looking around with an amused look.

"What'd you think of everyone else in class?" Jude questioned. You shrugged slightly while holding the apple and green tea he bought you. "I only really spoke with Jirou, but everyone else seems.. nice, I guess." you couldn't configure your thoughts into words.

To be honest, there wasn't exactly a word to even describe everyone else. "I get it,"

Once you reached the very top of the hill, the view was nothing short of incredible. Although the walk had been a bit strenuous, the breathtaking scenery made it all worthwhile.

From this vantage point, you could see much of the city stretched out below, the extensive landscape and distant skyline creating a mesmerizing panorama. The expanse of the view made the effort of the climb seem insignificant in comparison to the beauty that lay before you.

"Yooo! Jude!" the spiky redhead greeted the overly enthusiastic ray of sunshine. Jude plumped himself down onto the luscious green grass. "What took you so long?" a boy with what appeared to be a lightning strike in his hair asked. Their gaze fixed to you once you sat down in the grass. "Oh shit! I almost forgot!" Jude looked over at you after his friend's eyes glued onto you.

"(Y/N), meet Denki, Sero, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Mina, Jirou, and Satou." Jude pointed each of them out and they all greeted you with a welcoming expression. "You're the new student right?" Mina contested with a curious look plastered across her face. You nodded and covered your mouth after taking a bite of your apple.

"Yeah, (Y/N) just moved here." Jude added after he noticed you eating.

"So awesome!! Ooh, (Y/N), tell me all about your quirk!" Mina curiously asked you. Everyone's eyes turned towards you, waiting for an explanation.

"Ah, well," you started slightly nervously. "It's chronokineses, so I can basically accelerate, stop, or slow down time, and right now I can only do it by seconds. It's more of a mental-based quirk, so learning combat and body strength is something I need to work on."

"Woah, so can you tell what's gonna happen in the future?" Denki asked, interested. You shook your head, letting out a slightly awkward chuckle. "Oh, no—I can only control how fast it goes. I wish, though."

He slowly nodded and began thinking to himself, which implied that he was still trying to understand it fully. "So where'd you move from, (Y/N)?" Kirishima's eyes drifted over to you.

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