Chapter 13 - Unbearable Conversations

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You and Jude started walking back towards your house. Like the bus ride, the walk back was quite silent as well. You'd glance over at him every minute or so, but he'd seem to go unnoticed by it.

You continued to fidget with your bracelet, a habit you'd developed over time when you were nervous or bored. It was second nature to you, and no one had ever commented on it, so you never gave it much thought.

As you opened the door to your apartment and flipped on the lights, you were immediately greeted by the sight of the mess inside. Your eyes widened in surprise; you had expected to clean up before hosting again, but clearly, you hadn't planned well enough.

"I did not think it was this messy.. please ignore the mess," you nervously conveyed. Jude let out a chuckle, "This isn't bad at all—if you think this is bad you should see Denki's room, theres wrappers all over the floor and everything's scattered all around,"

You giggled after his comment, you could totally picture Denki's room being a mess. He just seemed like a disorganized person.

"I can one hundred percent see that," you replied as you brushed a few items off of the table, setting them down onto one of the chairs. You let out a huff, looking around as Jude took off his shoes.

You raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you gonna pass out again like last time?" Jude shrugged with a grin, "Dunno—maybe if you start reading stuff from that textbook again I will," he joked, heading over to the sofa.

You tidied up a few things in the kitchen, trying to distract yourself from the anxiety of what could have happened if Jude hadn't shown up. Each small task was a way to ground yourself, diverting your thoughts from the unsettling possibilities.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" you asked, glancing over to look at him. He shook his head slightly, "Nah—it's alright don't worry about it."

You nodded in response and leaned against the counter in the kitchen, "Do you have an idea of who you want to intern with if you get an offer from them?"

He looked up, in thought. "Hawks seems like a really cool guy to work with—also Ryukyu. I think they're my top two options for now. I think me and Hawks would probably get along pretty well personality-wise but I'm not too sure about our quirks. But I think Ryukyu would help me better quirk wise, so I think she might be a better fit." a slight pause of silence followed until he asked, "How about you?"

"That's amazing, I've also been kinda thinking about wanting to intern with Hawks if I got the chance, he seems like such a fun person to work with, and I think he'd actually help me learn about my quirk, y'know? But sort of like with your whole thing with Ryukyu, I think Mirko would be a better fit for me. Besides—I'm sure Sully's gonna be interning with Hawks anyways since that's his brother."

Jude gave you a surprised look after having mentioned the fact that Sully and Hawks were 'brothers'.

"They're related?!" he asked in a shocked tone. You nodded slightly, having felt just as surprised when you found that out as well. "Yeah, crazy right?"

"I went to Junior High with Sully and I never knew that?!" Jude added, still keeping the same shocked tone of voice. "I just found out a bit ago, they're not blood-related but they're 'brothers'."

Jude furrowed his eyebrows, trying to piece together the information. He seemed to be struggling to visualize the idea of your father and the way you described him. His expression reflected his difficulty in reconciling the two conflicting images in his mind.

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