Reckless. | Crossfire Ending 2

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Basically the crossfire chapter, but you already know  :)

Read the last chapter for context, again


"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. and Mrs. Banner." Those were the first words the doctor had said when he came out.

All of them were silent. It didn't feel real. Ashlyn... died..? No. This can't be real, right?

"S-she's... d-dead..?" Emma sobbed.

The doctor nodded.

It was confirmed. Ashlyn's dead.

Taylor broke down, as she hugged Tyler. Tyler was in a state of shock and misery, as he tried comforting his twin. But he couldn't bear the loss of a friend. This feeling was too familiar. Grief. This newfound family had started, all because of that trip to the Savannah. And those shared nightmares with them, and it was because of her. He couldn't thank her more for being a family like figure. It felt like she was his sister.

Taylor couldn't help but just break down in the arms of her twin. She had lost another person that was close to her. Two people, had left her life. She felt so useless. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs until she couldn't, but she can't. She couldn't do it. She just wanted to be the one instead of her. It would've been better off like that.

Logan ran up to the door, but was stopped by Ben. He was screaming, crying, sobbing, begging the doctor to see her, but the doctor refused.

"Let me in! Please- let me the fuck in!" Logan sobbed hysterically, before he fell to his knees and started to weep. Ben was hugging him, rubbing circles on his back.

Logan couldn't handle this. Ashlyn was like a sibling to him. The times when she helped him with self defense and guns. He could remember all the happy memories he had spent with her. He just wanted God to give him another chance and let him see her again.

Ben knew it was hard to loose a sibling, and he couldn't imagine the pain Logan was going through. He couldn't say anything, so all he could do was to hug him, as he was sobbing helplessly.

Aiden just stood still. His hands were trembling. His lover died. She's gone forever. He felt like a piece of him was missing, and he didn't know if he'll ever feel whole again without her. It all moved too fast. But now, everything felt so slow without her. He couldn't handle this. He sat down on a nearby chair, as he tried taking feel breaths. He looked beside his shoulder. He could remember what happened here in the hospital. The incident with Tyler. He could recall her beside her, trembling.

He reached for her hand, that was trembling. But when he did, his hand met air. He remembered she was gone. How foolish he was to believe she was just beside him.

Mike and Emma weren't dealing this very well. Emma was sobbing her heart out. This was the hardest she had ever cried. And it was reasonable. Mike was trying to be strong, but his trooper had died by the hands of another soldier. The weight of your daughter dead was too much.

In that night, they all cried over the loss of a friend and a daughter.

And after that, they had to watch someone's daughter get burried.


Ehehahhswhsvs if this hurts you all as much as if hurts me then as the usual, beat me up 🥺

Edit log 1: holy smokes I didn't realize that I made some of y'all cry-

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