Mama, Didn't Mean To Make You Cry [Dog Days]

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Uhm uhmm uhmm episode 77 spoilers btw 💞 (but I made it my own way for this au)

(Also idk if ep. 77 already released, cause I don't use webtoon that much anymore :/ I just read fast pass through tiktok on accident cause they randomly go in my fyp, so this is purely based on memory 💀)

ALSO RHIS ONES FOR YYOU @ilovewomenandmenyuh 💞💞💞💞


Ashlyn woke up, and the first thing that she hears was worried questions from Aiden, who was gently shaking her. It was blurry in her sight, but once she regained her sight, she could see Aiden more clearly, who was in front of her.

"Ash, you okay? You passed out.." Aiden asked softly, with a worried tone on his voice. Ashlyn nodded, before saying "I was just exhausted".

Aiden was not convinced, but he lets that slide, for now. "Okay, whatever you say.."

As the time passes, the six of them were now outside of the room, making their way through the hallway. They had geared up, and they were all dressed in more moveable and comfortable clothes, than what Aiden had bought.

Ashlyn could hear Logan and Tyler bickering, and Aiden laughing. Classic of them to do.

Suddenly, a scream was heard from afar. "Was that a person?" Taylor asked, with an uneasy look on her. Out of nowhere, Ashlyn suddenly sprinted to that direction. The others were taken aback, but Aiden followed, soon by Taylor, and then Ben, just in case they would get in trouble.

'I think it came from this way-' Ashlyn thought, until she felt a hand grip on the collar of her shirt. It was too fast, but in the middle of being flipped over, she caught a glimpse of two familiar green eyes.

Once she was pinned down to the floor, and the person was on top of her, she finally saw him.

"" Ashlyn muttered, as she looked up at Mike.

"Ashlyn??" Mike mumbled, before he instantly released her from his grip, raising both his hands up.

He was about to speak, until he heard fast footsteps behind him, and he turned around, only to see three of Ashlyn's friends lunging towards him. Until Ben stopped and yanked Taylor and Aiden, both of them looking at him dumbfoundedly until they realized who he was.

"Kids??" Mike spoke, confusion in his tone. He was beyond puzzled at this point. He didn't expect his daughter and her friends, dressed up in suits, in the middle of the hallway..

"How- what are you doing here..?" Ashlyn asked, looking up at Mike. He was about to say, until a scream interrupted, causing them and the others to turn to that direction.

"I don't know.. but the others are here too. We need to hurry" Mike grabbed Ashlyn's hand, helping her up and lead her to a direction. But Mike noticed something out of the ordinary. There were scars on her arms. Plural. He does not know where they came from, but maybe he'll ask her later. Right now, they need to get back.

Time had passed by, and everyone was in a room, locked away from the phantoms outside.

The parents had asked the kids questions on what was going on, and they answered.

But Mike's question was still unanswered, until he finally spoke up about it. "Ashlyn, why do you have scars on your arms?"

Ashlyn felt like her heart skipped a beat. She looked at the others, and they looked back at her-minus Aiden, who was still passed out. Taylor nodded, affirming that she should tell them the truth.

Emma noticed her daughter's anxiousness, as she slowly approached her, and she could see the scars on her arms too. She frowned, as she gently held both of Ashlyn's arms. "Ashlyn.. tell us what happened, please"

Ashlyn gulped, before she spoke "..I'm.. being experimented on."

Tension was felt in the room, and even the other parents were shocked about the discovery. Ashlyn knew her parents would not take it easy.

But when she heard a weep from her mom, she regreted saying it. She looked up at her, and saw tears on her mother's eyes. Ashlyn panicked, and she hugged her mother. "Mom, please, don't cry.." she begged, as she looked up at her mother.

"Oh.. my baby.." Emma whispered, as she hugged Ashlyn tight.

"Mom, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." Ashlyn apologized, as she tried to wipe away the years on her mother's eyes, but it was not working. "Mom, please.."

Ashlyn looked at her father, and he looked infuriated. He had his fists clenched, and he was glowering at the floor. Ashlyn hated making her parents upset.

She looked up at her mother, and burried her face on her shoulder, whispering.

"..I'm so sorry, mom.."

After everyone had calmed down, Ashlyn explained the situation she was in. She told them about how they tortured her, about how they would scream at her, and how they even put a muzzle on her.

As Ashlyn recounted the harrowing details, the room fell into a tense silence. The parents exchanged worried glances of what Ashlyn had endured.

Taylor spoke up. "We need to do something. We can't just let this go. They're still out there, and they might be targeting others, maybe we'll be next too.."

Emma, her voice trembling but resolute, nodded. "We need to find out who's behind this and stop them before anyone else gets hhurt"

Mike, who had been quiet until now, looked at Ashlyn with concern. "Do you have any idea where they might be taking you? Is there a way to track them?"

Ashlyn nodded. "Yeah, but I remember some landmarks from when they brought me back. I might be able to recognize them."

Logan, who had been fidgeting, finally spoke up. "We should use that. It's our best chance to find their base and put an end to this. But we need a plan and everyone's help."

James, who had been quiet, spoke up and added to his grandson's statement, "We also need to be careful. If they phantoms are tracking us, they might come after us."

"Wait.." Ashlyn realized a detail, as she looked at Taylor, Logan and Ben. "You guys.. found me last shift, don't you three know where I am?" She asked.

Taylor scratched the base of her neck, looking away and whistled a tune, Ben looked away too, and Logan grinned nervously.

" forgot, didn't you?" The three of them nodded. Ashlyn mentally smacked herself, but it was a good try guessing.

The group nodded in agreement. They needed to act quickly and decisively. They began to discuss possible strategies and how to prepare for the journey.

Emma and the other parents decided to stay behind, keeping the safe house secure and preparing for any potential threats. They made it clear that the safety of their children was their top priority.

As the teens gathered their gear and made final preparations, Ashlyn felt a mix of fear and determination. She was grateful for her friends' support, but the journey ahead was dangerous.

With a sense of purpose, they set out, guided by Ashlyn's memories of the familiar landmarks she could recall. It was pretty far from where they are, but once Ashlyn stopped, she pointed at the door frame, which had no door.

"That's the room"

She said, before they all suddenly felt the familiar feeling of shifting back to reality.


Help, I know this kinda took long but bear with me there was a typhoon and I had no motivation 💀💥‼️‼️

But at least I posted Dog Days 💥💥💥

Anwyas, the last part will either be tomorrow or tomorrow's tomorrow lmao 🧍‍♂️

(I was searching up cringe random gacha photos so I could randomly add it to my oc doodles for no reason💞)

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