[RQST] Scars Within your Smile [Aiden]

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I saw one request about Aiden angst and then there's an Aidelyn part I was like: "fuck yeah" and immediately wrote it-

Btw the thing [RQST] is short for request :P

Description of blood and the pain I think :(


Aiden lays in his bed, not moving a single inch. He stared blankly at the ceiling, as if he was lifeless. His fists clenched as he sat up in frustration.

"No.. It's not worth it.." He muttered to himself, as he stood up and went up to his wardrobe before he scrambled through his belongings.

And then he found it. His blade.

He grabbed a piece of paper, and started writing on it.

Slowly and surely, he pressed the blade against the skin of his wrists, hoping it would be deep enough to cut a nerve. Then he pulled off, and he felt the stinging pain on his wrist. The cut was half an inch deep, and he did not hit a nerve. He frowned, as he continued that process, making tons of cuts on his wrists.

Suddenly, he recalled a crucial detail he should've remembered.

He invited Ashlyn to come over. And she agreed.

"Fuck-" Aiden cursed under his breath, as he let the blood coated blade fall off his hand. Blood flowed from the fresh deep cuts he made on his wrist.

He desperately tried to find some type of clothing to clean it up, but then he heard three taps on his window.

Shit. He prayed to God it wasn't-

The window opened, and the red-haired teen peeked inside the dim room. "Hey Aiden, are you-"

She stopped as she saw the blonde, with his blood coated wrists and his shirt with drips of his blood on it.

"..What the fuck.."

Both Ashlyn and Aiden sat on the edge of the bed in silence. Ashlyn was wrapping his wrist with a bandage. The frown on her face was visible, and Aiden felt guilty for harming himself in the first place.

After Ashlyn was done, she placed the remaining bandages on a nearby table, and glowered down at Aiden's wrapped wrist. This was Aiden's chance to have a conversation with her.

"..hey Ash-"

"W-why did you do it." She whispered, as if she was trying to hold back the tears welling up on her eyes.

"I- it's because-" Aiden shuttered, as he fiddled with his fingers. How the hell was he supposed to tell her?

He took a deep breath, as he looked into her eyes and sighed.

"I'm tired. I'm tired of everything, Ashlyn. I'm tired of my parents going out on those stupid fucking business trips! I hate it how they fucking force me to move out at random fucking times! I barely even made any fucking friends because of them! I mean- who fucking does that to their child?! They do! And I don't fucking know what's wrong with me- I'm just a stupid fucking annoying dumbass who crosses everyone's fucking boundaries! I fucking hate myself I want to fucking die- I hate how I fucking look like- I hate how I speak- I just want to fucking end it all! I'm just a waste of fucking spa-"

He was interrupted when he felt her lunge towards him and pull him closer to her. Her hands were tightly wrapped around his neck, as she was hiding her face on his chest.

"You're not a waste of space.."

Her words were muffled out due to his shirt, but he could still hear her. He rested his chin on her head, as he rubbed circles on her back.

"You're just a kid. Your parents are pricks for leaving you alone. You're not an annoying dumbass. You just didn't experience what it feels like having friends again. I love how you speak, I love how you look, and I just fucking love everything about you. And I don't mind if you invade my personal space. I just didn't realize it until now. All you need is someone."

Wow. Those words really hit him like bricks (ba dum tss). Maybe she was right. Maybe he needed someone. And he knew who that someone is.

"And that someone is you" He mindlessly said, before he realized what he said. He felt the heat going to his cheeks, and he ignored it. He could tell it was the same for Ashlyn, since he felt her grip on him tighten and her attempt to hide her face.

"..Just remember, that me and the others are here for you. Don't hide things from us.." She muttered, as she raised her head up to look at Aiden. He nodded, smiling sincerely at her.

That was until a wave of exhaustion hits them both, as Ashlyn yawned. He looked at the clock. 10:30PM.

So he has an hour and a half to be with Ashlyn before they shift. He pulled her closer, as he adjusted his and her position, while Ashlyn watches in confusion.

When he got to the position he wanted, he had a huge grin that made him look like a complete idiot (in a good way). He basically had Ashlyn on top of him, much to Ashlyn's dismay, but she accepts it for now.

Satisfied with their position (mostly Aiden), they both started to drift off to sleep, both in their arms.

During their shift, the others were all confused and dumbfounded on why Ashlyn was holding Aiden's hand tightly the whole time.


Oh wow, a hurt-comfort chapter. How nice of me :)

(I had to search 'what does it feel like when you slit your wrist/arm' and the first thing that popped up was a mental health hotline. You're welcome)


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