[4;; Well, well WELLL!]

646 18 19

Rody ignores Vincdnt until he finally leaves. Vincent left, and Rody felt a bit calmer. He went back to his usual day until the end of the day.

Rody was biking to the park and passed the Fountain. He looks to the side and spots Vincent again. Vincent seems to have already noticed him there.

Vince stares at him, and Rody ignores him.


Rody jerks his head and looks at Vincent. Vincent walks over to Rody, his coat dragging behind him. Rody stares at Vincent, and Vincent stares at him.

"Hows uh your ear...?"

Vincent asks, and Rody puts his hand up to the ribbon, covering the ear that was ripped off.

"Its still gone."

Rody says in a stern voice.

"Right. . . Er. ."

Vincent stutters, and Rody looks at him.

"What do you want."

"I just, . ."

Vincent took a breath.

"I uh realized I didn't give a proper apology earlier. But uhm, . . I'm sorry. Is there a way I can make it up to you? Anything! I really genuinely apologize."
He said, and Rody sighed as he stared at him.
"Nothing. Just stay out of my sight. And. . . Dont come to the restaurant anymore."

Rody says and kicks off to ride off on his bike. Vincent watched as Rody sped off.

You still haven't changed. Running away from your problems, huh?
But I truly am sorry.

Vincent sighed and turned around to head back home.

Rody looked straight ahead as he sped off and kept pedaling. Pedaling away, he thought about Vincent. He should be mad, right? Rody burnt down his restaurant, home, almost killed him.

It started to rain soon. It started raining softly, and Rody looked uo at the sky and stopped his bike. The rain seemed to just spawn out of the sky and drop.

Should've brought a jacket.

WORDS: 303

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