Chapter 13

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"You wouldn't dare, Trianah. What's mine, is mine only. I'm kinda selfish you know. I don't share what's mine to others."

My lips parted as what he'd said keep repeating inside my head. It was like a broken plaque that replayed over and over in my brain. I was stunned to speak while trying to process everything he said. I blinked, to confirm that I wasn't just dreaming. And to prove that I wasn't just imagining things that's what I've imagine all the time.

I glanced at Michael again and I bit my lip when I saw his serious expression. His brown eyes became dark while staring at me intently. Damn! He's fucking so hot with that expression of him! I c-couldn't handle it... I tilted my head when I realize where my thoughts were going.

"K-Kuya?" Suddenly a girl showed up from nowhere call him.

My vision shifted to the girl that looking at us confusedly. My forehead puckered when I recognize the girl that were calling Michael. It was a girl who'd kiss him on his cheeks earlier! Wait, what?! Did she call him kuya? Does this mean...

"Bakit? May kailangan ka?" I heard him say so my eyes went back to his face.

"Wala naman. Sino siya? Girlfriend mo?" The girl asked.

I hope so, but sadly I'm not his girlfriend!

I fake a cough when my face heated with her question. She glance at me so I smile sweetly at her as if I wasn't jealous of her earlier. My smile widened more when she smiled back to me.

"Ano? Hindi! Kaibigan ko lang." I heard him responded.

My shoulders fell and my smile suddenly faded after I hear his answer. What he said was right but why I am expecting for a different answer from his mouth? I should be grateful that he treat me as his friend! So, why I am disappointed?! Simply, I don't want to settle only with that friend thing. I want something... something that more than that.... more than friend.

"Ah, Tria. This is Minielle, my sister." He introduced his sister.

Oh my hunch is right, then. I got jealous with his sister when in fact I shouldn't be. But I didn't know back then so it's not counted. I won't feel that way when I had knowledge in the first place. Oh, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I remember how dramatic I am, a while a go just because of a kiss.

Despite the dissapointment I felt, I breathed a sigh of relief because the girl I was jealous of was just her sister. I smiled a little at his sister and raised my hand for a handshake but my eyes widened when she suddenly came near my side to hug me tightly. My mouth parted in shock when she even smell my neck.

"Sayang, ang ganda ganda mo pa naman tapos hindi ka girlfriend ni kuya? Ang bango bango mo pa." She mumbled in the middle of hugging me.

Great! I love his sister already! She's has good judgement with the people she just met. Amidst struggling to breath because of her tight hug I still able to smile at her.

My eyes went to Michael who look devastated with what her sister doing to me. He is brushing his hair harshly and then shook his head while looking at us. He looked at me apologetically when he noticed I was staring at her. I'd just smile to assure him thats it's okay.

"Tama na iyan, Elle! You're making the situation uncomfortable to her!" He uttered in annoyed voice.

"Huh? Hindi naman kuya, ah. Hindi ka ba komfortable, ate?" She'd asked that I just answered by shooking my head.

Of course, I would lie! I was barely breathing because of her tight grip but I won't voice it out. I want to win her heart by leaving good impression! I want her to like me. So, it won't be hard for me if ever became a couple officially. I bit my lower lip with that thought.

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