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After seven days:

"Yaa Jeon Wonwoo, did I say you can do that??" Jeonghan raised his voice.

"Hyung let me atleast do this" wonwoo requested.

"No means No, you only have one work to do and that's resting and no compromise in that " Jeonghan said and took the coffee cup from wonwoo.

"Go and sit there" Jeonghan said and Wonwoo sighed.

"Why are you not letting me work hyung , you can't do this alone " wonwoo argued.

"You need to rest and the baby also, so you just eat, relax and rest..that's your work for next 9 months and don't argue with me" Jeonghan said sternly.

"Let me call others and tell them that you're not letting me do any work" wonwoo sulked and dialled Joshua's number.

"Hello, wonwoo what happened, are you okay??do you need anything? Where are you? Do you want me to come? Is the baby okay-

"Hyung calm down I'm okay"wonwoo said.

"Turn on the face time then" joshua said worriedly.

Wonwoo sighed and turned the facetime.

"See I'm fine" wonwoo said.

"Thank god, how are you feeling?" Joshua asked.

"I'm feeling okay-"

"Hyung, how are you? How is the baby??"

"Did the baby started kicking?"

"Is the baby coming?"

"You two shut up okay, it takes nine months to give birth dummies " jihoon rolled his eyes at seungkwan and Dino's behaviour.

"How are you wonwoo" Jihoon asked.

"I'm fine hyung but" wonwoo said and looked at Jeonghan.

"But what? Are you feeling sick? Want to go the doctor?" Joshua asked worriedly.

"No it's Jeonghan hyung, he's not letting me work at all" wonwoo pouted.

Others sighed in relief.

"That's we all decided together " Joshua said and others nodded.

"What?? You all, I can't believe this huh" wonwoo sulked.

"What huh! You need to rest you forget what doctor said? That you need rest and do whatever Jeonghan hyung say otherwise I'll tell Mingyu to take care of you " jihoon scolded wonwoo.

But wonwoo's expression changed after hearing his boyfriend's name.

"Don't tell me you still haven't told Mingyu about it" joshua asked.

And wonwoo looked down.

"Wonwoo it's really a big thing and you should tell Mingyu, he has a right to know" jihoon said and wonwoo bite his lips in nervousness.

"I want to tell him, but I want to make it special but i don't know what to do " wonwoo said.

"Just that, okay let's make a plan then" seungkwan said and other nodded.

Wonwoo smiled and they all started to discuss the plan.

8:00 PM

Wonwoo felt like crumbling cuz his stomach was hurting. He grabbed his phone and dialled Mingyu's number.

"Hello Baby!! Can I call you in a bit I'm in a meet-

"Gyu" wonwoo said weakly, his voice was barely audible.

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