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Next dayyyy..........:

Wonwoo woke up and turned off the alarm and turned to see his boyfriend sleeping beside him.
"He's so cute and hot at the same time"wonu thought in his mind.

"Why my Baby is staring!?" Mingyu said in his morning deep husky voice.

" I was-wasn't staring" wonu said shuttering and tried to stand up but Mingyu pulled him by his waist hugging him from behind, that made wonu's cheeks go all red.

" Good morning Love" mingyu said kissing wonu's neck that sent shivers to his spine, but he controlled.

"Good morning Sweetie" Wonwoo said softly and kissed on mingyu's cheek.

"Let's get ready now..i have many works to do today" wonu said heading to the bathroom, Mingyu following him.

"Baby if you're going somewhere out, please take bodyguards with you" mingyu said and hugged wonu from behind.

"Why" wonu asked while he put some amount of toothpaste on his and Mingyu's brushes and handed to Mingyu.

"Just that if something happen" Mingyu said in concerned voice.

"But you know, I don't like surrounded by bodyguards" wonwoo said.

"Please" mingyu said with pleading eyes.

Wonu couldn't resist that puppy eyes.

" Ahh fine but only if I go out" wonu said which made Mingyu smile happily.

" Thank you Baby, you're the best" Mingyu said hugging him tightly.

"You're the one who is best" wonu thought in his mind and ruffled Mingyu's hair softly.

They completed their business ( only shower okay, i guess 🤫) and had their breakfast. Mingyu dropped wonu at his cafe and went to his company.

Jeonghan came early. Wonu went inside the cafe.

"Oh, so you decided to show up after ditching me yesterday huh!?" Jeonghan said crossing his arms around his chest.

"Sorry hyung actually-"

" Don't make any excuse, seungcheol told me already" Jeonghan said teasingly.
Wonu's cheeks turned slightly pink.

"So let's go now they will come soon" Jeonghan said going to the kitchen.

"Who is coming!?" Wonu asked following him.

" Oh wonu don't tell me that you forget that their performance is the day after tomorrow" Jeonghan said and looked at wonu.

"Aaa.. i didn't hyung" wonu said ( but he actually forget about that Lol)

"So let's work now" Jeonghan said as he saw customer coming in.

Wonu nodded and take orders.

Mingyu went inside his office and there were Soonyoung and seokmin waiting for them with someone that person has bright smile on his face.

" There he is " seokmin said as he saw mingyu coming.

" Hello " mingyu greeted. So did others.

"So how's everything going!?" Mingyu asked.

" I have collected some information, it's in this envelope" Soonyoung gave the envelope to Mingyu.

" Hello, Hyung" the person from earlier greeted.

"Hello , Vernon right? I heard about you from seokmin" Mingyu said and shook his hand with Vernon. Vernon smiled back.

" So , Vernon helped Soonyoung to find some information" seokmin said.

"I see , thank you for your help Vernon " Mingyu thanked him.

" It's okay hyung, seungkwan really cares about wonwoo hyung , so I just helped nothing much" Vernon said.

" So you're seungkwan's boyfriend and wait how does it related to wonu Hyung!?" Mingyu asked in confusion.

" Yes seungkwan is my boyfriend and he told me that he saw someone following wonwoo hyung the other day, so i tried to contact you but you were not in the office so I met seokmin hyung and seungcheol Hyung so they told me about the incident , so I worked with Soonyoung hyung to find some information " Vernon explained to Mingyu.

" You'll understand when you see the information " Soonyoung said pointing at the envelope.

Mingyu nodded and thanked them..then Soonyoung and Vernon left.

On the other side----

"Wonwoo Hyung" Dino said opening his arms to hug wonu. Wonu hugged back.

" Ahm , my aegi is not my aegi anymore" Jeonghan sulked.

" Aww, eomma" dino hugged him too.

They make themselves comfortable. Wonu and Jeonghan bring them some coffee and snacks.

"So how is practice going?" Wonu asked placing snacks on the table.

" It's going great i guess" jihoon said sipping his drink.

" But I don't think Minghao hyung is able to perform" seungkwan teased Hao.

" Why, what happened to you Hao!?" Wonu asked worried.

"Nothing hyung , he is just exaggerating" Hao said glaring at seungkwan.

" I can see , you were not even able to practice today " joshua teased along.

" Hyung " Hao whined.

Wonu and Jeonghan understood their assignment.

They talked for a while.. then wonu got a notification on his phone..



Yes, who is this!?

It's me changkyun

Wonu thought for a second how he get his number but brushed it off.

Oh Hello

Are you free, can we meet?

Wonu was confused why he wanted to meet but he was his friend so he didn't think of any harm to meet a friend right?

Yeah you can come to my cafe

Uh can you come to my near by cafe?

Oh okay

Meet me at xxx cafe at 3 pm

Wonu :


All of them left as they had practice. Jeonghan had an event so he also went to his event. There were more customers as he didn't opened the cafe yesterday due to some reasons 🤫.

The time passed and it's about 2:30pm. Wonu called mingyu to tell him about his meeting with changkyun. But Mingyu didn't pick up the call. So he left a msg and head to the location. The cafe was quite far so it took him more time..he went inside the cafe.

Ck :Hello wonwoo

Wonu: hii

Ck: how have you been!?

Wonu: I'm doing good. How about you!?

Ck: yeah pretty good... What do you like to order.

Wonu: just a coffee.

Ck: okay.

Wonu: so why do you wanted to meet !?

Ck: just that i haven't seen you in a long time.

Wonwoo somehow felt awkward but still smiled. They had their drinks and talked about their life . Changkyun insisted to drop wonwoo.. he was denying but he couldn't say not when changkyun asked many times.

To be continued......💌🎀

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