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David walked in the bathroom slightly still in fear from his husband. He looked at the mirror and saw a black eye.

Their argument led to him becoming a punching bag for Kevin.

He slowly put a wet rag against his eye. It stung but he had to get his face together because tonight he had to meet with investors for his company.

Kevin walked in the bathroom causing David to become tense. He flinched when Kevin held his waist from behind.

"You know I love you," Kevin said

"Do you? Or do you love to use me as your outlet for your anger?" David asked

"I was angry. I should've never took it out on you," Kevin said

"You say that all the time," David said

Kevin turned David around and put him up on the bathroom counter. He stood between his legs, their eyes were locked on each other. Kevin closed the gap and kissed David.

David couldn't resist so he kissed back. The kiss was getting more intense by the second. Kevin pulled down David's pants and his own. In one quick motion he was thrusting himself inside of David. David pulled away from the kiss and dug his nails in Kevin's skin.

"Shit," David moaned

With one hand against the wall and the other wrapped around David's waist, Kevin continued to pound David's prostate.

Forgetting all about the black eye and the fight.

David gripped the counter , feeling the pleasure take over.

"I'm putting a baby in you," Kevin whispered in David's ear

"Please," David moaned closing his eyes

Flashback over

David POV

That night was the night we made Dakota. I don't regret nothing about it either.

Something was different about that night though. I mean the makeup sex is always good but that night it was beyond good.

Perfect almost.

I walked into my office smiling because I thought about that. I sat in my chair and logged on to my computer.


"Come in," I said

"Davidddd you'll never guess who's coming in today," Elijah said

"Who?" I asked

"Guess nigga," Elijah said

"I honestly don't know," I laughed

Elijah yanked me out my seat and dragged me to my door. Outside I could see a very fine man walking down the hallway talking with my boss. I feel like I seen him before. But nonetheless he's fine as fuckkkkk.

I but my lip watching him walking. Something about the way a guy walks does something to me.

They started walking towards my office and me and Elijah ran right back in before they could see us.

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