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David POV

Today is Dakota's birthday. My little man is turning 3 years old. I'm happy that me and Kevin are together for this special occasion. I sat in bed just thinking about the time I was pregnant with him. I always think about my pregnancy. During it, I was married to the abusive and controlling side of Kevin.

I had fear that he was gonna hurt my baby. Luckily he didn't physically hurt me, just emotionally. Which is still bad though.

I got up and went into the bathroom. After getting myself together, I got dressed and headed downstairs. Kevin was up with Dakota and they were playing in the living room.

"Morning birthday boy," I said kneeling down to Dakota

"Hi daddy!" Dakota said with a big smile

"Morning David," Kevin said kissing my cheek

"Hi Kev. Um are you gonna cook or am I gonna do it?" I asked

"I'll do it," Kevin said without hesitation

"Ok," I said sitting down next to Kota

He handed me one of his toys and we started playing together. Kevin retreated to the backyard while I was in the house with Dakota.

I couldn't be anymore happier than I was now.

Soon people started to arrive. I took Dakota outside where everyone else was. My family members took him away from me which left me to be with Elijah and Darrian.

"Hey guys," I said

"Hello Mr Perez," Darrian mocked

"Shut up," I said playfully hitting him

"Darrian you see that glow? David got that "after some bomb ass sex" glow," Elijah laughed

"Ok it was good sex," I confessed, making them both laugh

"So you two are getting kinda serious again. If Kevin were to propose right now would you say yes?" Darrian asked

"I don't know to be honest. Things have been going pretty good but I just feel like he's gonna snap one day. I can't go through that again," I said

"That's fair. Look just give it time. Cause I feel like Kevin might wait til Kota's 18 before proposing," Darrian said

"Anyways, David have you heard about Kevin's cases?" Elijah asked

"What you mean?" I asked

"He lost his last five cases. All his clients have been found guilty," Elijah said

Back then Kevin would hurt Ke after losing a case. I would have black eyes, broken noses, bruise everywhere. So to hear that made me scared shitless.

All those nights I cried out for him to stop came back into my head. I still have some of the bruises that never healed properly. I touched over my stomach a little thinking about those horrible memories.

I quickly excused myself and went inside the house. I splashed water on my face a few times to stop myself from thinking those bad thoughts.

It's over.

I survived the wrath of Kevin Perez.

But how can I move on?

"David are you okay?" Kevin's voice echoed in the kitchen

I swung around to see him standing there looking concerned. His perfect athletically built body was now covered in worry.

"Your cases. I know you've lost some and I'm just worried. I remember those nights where you saw me as enemy #1," I said

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